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jungwon's mouth was agape upon seeing the dazzling city light. they were up on a high cliff, he was actually nervous when they were on their way up here because he thought jay might be a serial killer and he was his previous victim, but of course that's just him being dramatic.

now he kinda felt glad that jay pursuade him into going out with him. he's still kinda upset that it was so sudden that he left their house in his dino pajama's.

"come on. it's prettier outside." jay said, opening the door on jungwon's side. he didn't even notice jay going out of the car. he was too busy admiring the view. "the air is fresh too."

"isn't it cold?" jungwon ask. 

jay then throws him his jacket. he literally threw them at his face that jungwon gave him a deadly glare.

"wow jay hyung. that was so sweet of you. I didn't know you were the romantic type." he says, that was obviously sarcasm.

jay just laugh at him before making his way toward the front of his car, where he sat down. the little guy followed him after wearing the jacket that was given to him. 

"come sit beside me." jay said, handing him the coffee they got from a vending machine and the cup of noodles they have.

jungwon did as told. both of them eats in silent, looking at the beautiful view that unfolds in front of them. they didn't feel any ounce of awkwardness between each other despite the pinned drop silence. they both have their own thought running in their mind.

jungwon was thinking of how admirable the view was while jay was busy admiring the person beside him.

as cliche as it sounds, he has never met someone as alluring as jungwon. he looks adorable with those galaxy eyes and deep dimples of his but he can also be very intimidating with his words. jungwon is also strong willed, that makes jay likes him more.

yes, he likes jungwon. he was just wasn't sure yet if he could love him the way jungwon wanted him to. he's afraid, afraid of falling in love. 

ever since his mom left, love became a silly game to him. if his mom truly loves him and his father, she wouldn't have left them for another man. jay witness how devastated his father has become and he didn't want to experience that. 

that's why he start being the way he is. he won't let anyone hurt him like what his mom did with them.

but maybe, jungwon can be an exception. just maybe.

"jay hyung are you even listening?" he was snapped out from his thoughts when jungwon nudges him.

"what? what is it?"

"I was asking you how you discovered this place." 

"oh. I used to go here with both of my parents back when I was a little kid." a sudden flashback of memories played but he quickly push them on the back of his mind.

"that must be nice. I used to go to a park with my parents too. we would bond there but now they are both busy so I'm always just with sunoo hyung and ni-ki." jungwon says. "but it's okay. how about you? do you still bond with your parents?"

jay shrugs. "dad is too busy right now, while my mom is dead." she was dead to him the moment she stepped out of their house to run away with some man he didn't know. 

"I'm sorry." jungwon said, almost a mumble. he didn't know about that. well he never really bother knowing jay since all he could think of was their plan.

jay chuckles. "don't be. there's nothing to be sorry about."

a short silence engulfs them again before jungwon speaks. "this place must be very special to you then?"

"it is. I go here whenever I feel stress or down."

"are you feeling down today?" jay looks at jungwon and couldn't help but stare at those pretty eyes of his. the younger looks so innocent, so delicate.

"not anymore." he answers. 

they stared at each others eyes. jungwon doesn't even know why he can't keep his eyes off from the older, while jay was sure that if he could stare at jungwon's orbs forever then he would.

"your eyes holds the galaxy, the prettiest one." jay whispers, loud enough for both of them to hear.

jay's words about his eyes hasn't completely sink in when he was surprised when he felt a pair of lips on his.

looks familiar, right? it's what they also did in my last fic. I just really have a thing for star gazing and such. also, sorry for not updating for a long time. I've been busy with something and someone. I'll try my best to go back on track again. 

I also made a mistake last chapter by saying jay was leaning on his motorbike but he actually has a car in this fic. I fix it already tho. thanks, everyone.

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