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"come on jungwon! stop avoiding me." jay yells as he ran after jungwon in the school halls. 


last night after the kiss, jungwon started acting different. it was like he was scared of jay, nervous of his presence. that's why jay wanted to apologize to him. he might have step into some boundaries.

he didn't regret kissing jungwon though. his lips were soft and sweet, he likes them. jay is also confuse why jungwon kissed back instead of pulling away.

he was so close to reaching jungwon when he suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry." he says and was about to continue running when the girl holds him by the arm. "look, I'm really sorry but I am in a rush right--"

"be careful with him, jay." she says that puts on a confuse look on him. she let go of him and walk away as if nothing happened.

he stood there, the thought of running after jungwon gone, replaced by the words the girl just said. what does she mean by that? 

"sunoo hyung!" jungwon runs into sunoo's arms and hugs him. "please save me from jay hyung."

"what are you talking about?" sunoo ask.

jungwon didn't answer and just kept hugging his hyung, head burried in sunoo's chest. he doesn't know what to answer that. what will he say? that he's running to avoid jay because he's starting to feel things, unwanted feelings, when they kissed.

why did it felt right, it felt warm?

jungwon doesn't even want to think of the possible answer. he said he won't be one of those person that will fall for jay. he knows jay is a playboy, he won't take jungwon seriously. he probably didn't stay awake all night thinking of the kiss unlike what jungwon did.

"so someone is being touchy with my boyfriend while running away from his." a voice made him pull away from sunoo.

he rolled his eyes at sunghoon. "first of all, I am not trying to steal your boyfriend away from you and second, jay hyung is not my boyfriend." 

"jeez I didn't even mention a name."

"well it's obvious who is it since the only person I'm running away from is him. how did you even know about that?"

"the two of you ran pass me and everyone was talking about it." sunghoon said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

the two continue to argue while sunoo rolled his eyes at them. he continues fixing his things in his locker. ni-ki then appears and questions what the two was doing.

"jungwon denying he likes jay. I don't get why he's denying it. wasn't he the one that boldly confess to him and keeps asking jay for a serious relationship?"

ni-ki continues watching jungwon and sunghoon. well he can't tell sunoo their plan, right? sunoo is also jay's friend, he wouldn't approve to it. 

he then notice something with jungwon. was he actually denying it to sunghoon? or was he denying it from himself?

"what are you guys fighting about?" jay suddenly appears from nowhere.

"jungwon here keeps--"

"nothing! sunghoon hyung was just being annoying." jungwon cuts him off.

"oh okay." jay shrugs and puts his arms around jungwon. "stop running away from me."

ni-ki saw how jungwon tense up and his ears redden. are his eyes deceiving him right now? he hopes he's wrong.

he hopes jungwon isn't actually starting to like jay.

well most of you felt bad for jay, huh?

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