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it was already 2am in the morning but jungwon was still unable to fall asleep.

his mind was clouded with thoughts about jay. they were at the same place, at the same time. but, still, he can't even look at him without panicking.

he sat at the side of the lake that was located near the cabin they were staying at. well, he can't sleep and was bored so might as well go out for awhile.

he threw some pebbles at the body of water in front of him as his entertainment but when he got tired, he settled with watching the night sky above him.

despite the tall trees, a portion of the sky was still clearly seen. the night sky looks beautiful with it's twinkling stars and what made it more beautiful was the moon in it's full form.

he smiled bitterly as he remembers the time where he and jay went on a sudden date during the night. the stars reminded him of the lights. it was the night when he got his first kiss stolen and also the night when he decided to know jay more than his playboy image.

jungwon can't help but tear up because of the memory. it was nothing but a mere memory now. but if he was given the chance to do it again, he will. just to be able to be close with jay again.

"are you planning to add more water in that lake?" he was startled when someone spoke from behind him.

he wasn't given the chance to look at his back anymore because the person already made his way beside him.

"why are you still up at this time of the night?" jay ask, sitting beside him.

jungwon can't believe it. is jay really here or was he just an illusion he created because he misses him so much?

"what happened to you? can't speak anymore?" jay once again speak, growing inpatient.

he was acting calm and collected when in fact, he is far from that right now. he's actually beside and speaking to jungwon again.

"uhm... I couldn't sleep." jungwon finally answers. "how about you? what are you doing here?"

"well I went here to camp with my friends that are now--"

"that's not what I meant. I mean, why are you here with me right now?"

"I couldn't sleep as well. I was just chilling at the kitchen when I saw you went out. I don't have anything better to do so I followed you out here."

"so you've been watching me there the entire time?"

"yes. what's wrong with that?"

jungwon stares at him before shaking his head. "nothing. I just thought you didn't want to be with someone like me anyway so it's a surprise you're here." there was a trace of bitterness and hurt in his voice.

jay's eyebrows furrowed because of what he just heard but then he remembers that it was what he told him before.

he felt guilty, realizing that it did hurt the other.

"oh wow. it sure is chilly in here." he says, trying to change the topic.

just then, he remembered that taehyun lend jungwon his jacket. he looks at him and saw that he was still wearing it.

"take that off."

jungwon halt from playing with the grass. he then gave jay a confused look. "what?"

"the jacket. take that off."

jungwon grew more confuse. "what has gotten into you? you just mentioned that it's cold so why would I?"

"because it looks ugly on you."

"excuse me? anything looks good on me." jungwon doesn't know where he's getting this confidence from right now.

"I said take it off." jay said with authority.

jungwon still felt confuse but did as what he was told to. he was afraid to anger the other.

"now wear this." jay then gave him his jacket.

he rolled his eyes at jay when in reality, he was feeling giddy. he misses wearing jay's jackets. it smells just like jay. smells like comfort and warmth that he adores so much.

jay looks at jungwon in awe. the younger was only wearing his pajamas and his jacket above it but he still look astonishing in his eyes.

"there, so much better." he stares at jungwon, in his eyes to be specific. he notices how it reflected the stars. "so beautiful."

wasn't suppose to update today but here it is now.

playboy | jaywon Where stories live. Discover now