Chapter Fourteen

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Setting: Harry Styles' flat in Cheshire, England.

Date/time: Saturday, January 24, 2015. 11:35 PM


Harry: *rides out of high* Holy shit.

Guy: *panting* *agrees*

Harry: *collapses next to the guy* I can not believe that I just had gay sex, even if I am drunk.

Guy: *Cuddles up to Harry* you were am awesome fuck.

Harry: Yeah yeah..

Guy: So, like we agreed, fuck and leave... So, I better go *stumbles up, dizzy from alcohol* *Leaves without Harry saying another word*

Harry: What the hell did I just do!?

Nick: You just had gay sex.

Harry: *shoots up, looking at Nick* What the hell are you doing here!?

Nick: Just checking to see how your life is *sits on Harry's bed* I got here before you left to get drunk and bring a guy back. What the hell was with that, anyway?

Harry: I didn't drink as much as I normally do, ok. And I'm confused...

Nick: About what?

Harry: Well,  two things. One, why the fuck you're here. Two, I think I have feelings for Louis...

Nick: You think, or you know?

Harry: Well, when he kissed me, it was like no other kiss. After my kiss with Louis, I then saw my ex again and kissed her... But it didn't feel the same. I just wish I could know I like Louis or not. What if it's just my mind messing with me? I don't really like him, I just think I do, just because of our second kiss together, now my favorite kisses out of all of them.

Nick: Talk to Louis about it. And I would want to do it quick, he's starting to try to make himself move on. Trust me, these past few days have been doing the best thing with the lo-... So when are you going to visit?

Harry: Maybe tomorrow, I need to know why I'm feeling this way.

Nick: Finding out you like a boy... The same thing happened to me, I wasn't sure about myself. Now, you're obviously bisexual, but you'll go through the same thing. It's shocking and confusing when you like a boy, and sometimes, you can't control that feeling.

Harry: Yeah. So, I like Louis?

Nick: Did you picture him when you were fucking the other dude?

Harry: Yes..

Nick: You LOVE Louis...

Harry: *groans* oh god no... *buries face in hands*

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