Chapter I: Shopping Sundate

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You woke up, feeling refreshed and decided to take a shower. After you got dressed in your casual outfit, you went downstairs to find a note on the dinner table.

Dear Liv,

Your uncle, Silly and I went to the mall at the other town. We didn't want to wake you up. You looked very tired.

If you want, you can go out and find us at the mall. There's some money in your bedside table.

- Okami

"Oh, fun! Shopping day!" You exclaimed and ran off to fetch the money your aunt left for you before heading out. You found yourself standing in front of the train ticket machine. It was something you've never seen before. "How does this work?" You asked yourself out loud.

"Here, let me help you with that," a guy offered and threw a bill at the left side of the machine and the right side coughed up a ticket. "Oh, that's how..." You took the ticket and handed it to the guy. "It's yours J, here."

"Don't worry, Liv," he assured and got his own ticket, "That one's yours." He headed on ahead and you followed him, protesting. "But you bought it with your money, J. I can't take it."

He smirked at you and showed you his ticket. "Well, I already have one, so you're gonna have to take that one." You sighed and soon found yourself on the train platform. There were not a lot of people.

"Are you heading to the other town, too, J?" You asked as you both sat down on a bench, waiting for the train to be ready for passengers. "Yeah, I'm meeting up with Sam and Taurtis. They're with their girlfriends, so I don't really want to." He sighed. "What about you?"

"I'm going to the mall to look for my aunt, uncle and cousin. I sent them a message earlier, so now they're waiting for me."

"The mall, huh? Want to go with me there, then? I can help you around while I look for the guys."

"That would be nice, thank you!"



"Here we are," J said as he stood up from his seat. You followed him out of the train and out of the station. As you reached the top of the stairs, he pointed at the big building across the road. "That's the school where I go. Starting tomorrow, you'd be joining us, right?" He asked and walked ahead with you catching up and walking next to him. "Yeah, I'm going to. I hope we'd be in the same class!"

He nodded. "I'm sure we will."

"Liv! There you are!" You heard Silly shout as she waved her hand in the air, "Over here, Liv!"

You and J approached the three of them. On perfect timing, J's friends arrived with their girlfriends. "J, there you are!" Taurtis shouted. "You, too, Liv!"

"Hey, guys," you greeted them. "Liv, why don't you join us?" Sam offered and got pulled by a blond girl with a black beard. "Sammy, don't invite another girl on your date with me!" She complained. Sam looked disgusted. "For the last time, Invader, you're not my girlfriend! I didn't even invite you here!" The girl giggled, "Oh, Sammy Poo, don't be like that!" Sam sighed.

"Okami, can she come with us?" J asked. "I promise I'd bring her home before 8 pm." You, your aunt, your uncle and J's friends were all shocked. "Sure!" Okami agreed with a smile. "YOU BETTER BRING HER HOME IN ONE PIECE, MAGGOT!" Rowan exclaimed as he got ushered away by his wife and daughter.

"See you tonight, Liv!"

"Yeah, bye, Silly!"

As soon as the three were out of sight, the boys took J away and disappeared around the corner.

"Uh... alright..?" A girl with brown hair introduced herself. Her hair has a blue streak across her side-swept bangs. "My name is Salex and this is Invader."

"Hi, my name is Liv! I just moved to the other town yesterday."

"Is that so? Well, we'd have to show you around! Right, Invader?" Salex turned to the girl next to her, who nodded with a smile. "Yeah, the more the merrier!"

The boys returned after a few minutes.

"What did you boys do?" Salex asked. "Oh, you know, guy stuff." Taurtis replied quietly and wrapped his arm around Salex' shoulder, pulling her close.

"Did you say... gay stuff?" You asked in wonder which made the girls giggle and the boys scream, "NO!"

You slightly shrugged at them and they all sighed. "Well, anyway, let's continue with Taurtis' and Salex' date." Sam suggested. "What about our date, Sam?" Invader asked, hugging his arm. "You and I are not on a date, Invader!"

"Then why are we tagging along to Taurtis' and Salex' date?" You asked. "Shouldn't we leave them alone?" J nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we should."

Sam crossed his arms. "No, Taurtis is my best friend and I'll go with him everywhere. I'm leading their date!"

"No, Sam, this is a double date! Me and Salex, you and Invader!" Taurtis corrected him. "That's right, Sammy!" Invader hugged Sam's arm tighter as she rubbed her cheek against it.

"Taurtis, no!" Sam protested, but got ignored when his best friend looked at you and J. "Well, now it's a triple date!" He cheered, still ignoring Sam's calls. "Right, J? Liv?"

You and J looked at each other and back at him. "Sure," you both answered. "It'll be fun, right, J?" You added and he agreed with a slight smile.

The day went great for you. With your new friends, you went to the movie theater, bought new comic books, went to a restaurant and ended the date with looking the sunset at the beach. You all thought it was perfect-- except for Sam. He thought it'd be perfect if Invader wasn't with them.

"Did you have fun today?" J asked you as you both got off the train. "Yeah, it was great! I'm really starting to like it here! Thank you for letting me join your group!"

"Well, I didn't really want to be a 5th wheel to those four, so having you there was a great relief."

You chuckled. "I'm glad!"

You reached your house and you stood in front of J as he stood in front of you. "Thanks again, J! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Should I pick you up tomorrow and we'll go to school together?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm actually going together with my aunt, uncle and cousin to school tomorrow. Maybe another time?"

"Oh, of course. Sure, another time." You felt bad. "See you tomorrow, then, Liv." He smiled and walked off.

You headed inside the house and took a warm bath before going to your room.

"Good night, Liv!" Silly said as she entered her room. "Good night, Silly!" You disappeared into your room, yourself. You looked at the pictures you took today. It was from your triple date with your friends. You smiled and headed to bed.

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