FIFTEEN ⁑ he dont want'chu.

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"wow..." Kirishima sighed, red eyes staring at his tired group of friends. "you guys look... less than pleasant?... no offense."

Kaminari, Ashido, Bakugou and Hanta all looked like they crawled out of the darkest, deepest pits of hell. black and blue eye bags tainting their normally clear faces.

all throughout the school day, they've been either sleeping, or skipping class to sleep. "what happened to you guys?" the red headed boy questioned, genuinely concerned for his friends.

Sero was the first to address his friend, "Kaminari... Kaminari is what happened.."

"me?! you guys insisted on sneaking out with me!" Denki retorted, "Mina literally brought weed to smoke."

"that's because it was-" Mina cut herself off with a yawn. "it was a stressful night, training n all."

Ochaco, Deku and Todoroki, who accidentally overheard their conversation (they were eavesdropping) joined in. "woah, you guys snuck out last night?" Uraraka's big brown eyes stared down at them with shock, "i thought the photos were taken another time."

"it's kind of impressive you didn't get caught though." Deku chuckled.

"we went to meet Denki's online friend, (Y/n)." Sero threw his thumb in the blond's direction, "she's fun as hell."

"the girl he'd lose an arm and a leg for even though he's known her for a month and a half." Katsuki explained further, completely disregarding Kaminari's ashamed expression.

thankfully for him however, Deku changed the subject; pulling out his phone and scrolling through Kirishima's following list. "about that, who exactly is (Y/n)?" he questioned, flipping his screen to show his friends the girl's account. "she's been popping up in my suggestions everywhere!"

"yeah, mine two." Ochaco joined, scrolling through her own phone. "we have 4 mutual follows so i think that's why?"

Mina beamed at the mention of (Y/n), "she's literally the chillest person on the planet you guys! she's so fun to hang around-"

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