TWENTY EIGHT ⁑ for future plans.

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the sky was a pool of liquid gold and ruby, clouds drifting in the air like shining pearls

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the sky was a pool of liquid gold and ruby, clouds drifting in the air like shining pearls. it was such a romantic time of day. sunsets were always a favorite of (Y/n)'s. she loved watched the sun dip under the horizon, it's dress of pinks and reds dragging behind it before the sky stabilized into a deep, dark, bejeweled blue.

she and Kaminari sat comfortably atop a stone wall near the pizza place they had just visited. the two finished their food early to have a moment to themselves for a few minutes without their friends - leaving the rest to finish their own orders.

they silently sat watching the sunset, hands tightly held together - though Denki's attention was divided unevenly between the girl and the sun. his amber eyes were glued on (Y/n)'s face.

he stared with an unnoticeable smile on his face, watching as the gentle, eight o'lock breeze brushed against her (s/c) cheeks; the sunbeams reflecting on her skin leaving an ethereal glow woven into her being.

his heart melted in his chest, oozing over the ridges of his ribcage - the way her eyes reflected the sunset so beautifully left his cheeks burning; the yellows and oranges of the sky clashing with a gorgeous shade of (e/c).

"it's so pretty." (Y/n) smiled, adjusting her sitting manner on the stone wall. she noticed his gaze a while ago- but chose not to comment. she didn't want to embarrass him, even though her nerves were burning at the attention; butterflies in her stomach making her sick.

come to think of it, ever since she started dating him, the feeling of being watched would never really leave. even in a crowded room, Denki's eyes were always on his girlfriend.

and if he wasn't looking at her, he had his arms wrapped around her. and if his arms weren't around her: then Denki wasn't in the room yet.

"yeah it is." he whispered back, still ignoring the sky.

his cheeks only reddening when she took a swig of her sparkling apple juice. it slipped past her lips and made its way down her cheek reaching her neck.

Kaminari couldn't even process what he was doing, it was on instinct. next thing he knew, he pulled (Y/n) in ever so softly, kissing the corner of her lips- leaving her stunned.

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