ELEVEN ⁑ shes the dawg.

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"i'm so fucking tired!" (Y/n) whined to her friends, knees shaking from the extensive hero training they had to undergo

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"i'm so fucking tired!" (Y/n) whined to her friends, knees shaking from the extensive hero training they had to undergo. hair unkempt and clothes sweaty – she looked like a mess.

"you're such a drama queen, you can manage a 10 minute drive to mcdonald's." she frowned at Seiji's words, turning to look up at the purple haired boy– he was practically unaffected by the various sparring matches. (y/n)'s eyes shifted from Seiji to Inasa who was in similar condition to him.

what the fuck?

her frowned deepened at the sight, "am i friends with fucking robots? how are you guys so unbothered? i feel like my body's on fire."

Inasa laughed aloud at her words, stepping into the elevator with the two trailing behind him. "since you've got a water quirk wouldn't your body be on water?"


pulling back his top lip in disgust, Seiji glared at the tall wind-wielding boy; his signature annoyed expression now ten times more intense. "that was the lamest fucking joke i've ever heard come out of your mouth."

(Y/n) nodded her head as agreement "mhm."

"you guys are just unappreciative of my fire jokes." the tall boy pouted at his friends' unimpressed faces, turning to stomp out the elevator doors angrily. "or should i air! AHAHAH!" his embarrassingly loud laughs were cut off by water smacking the back of his neck – leaving a red mark in its path. "OW!"

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