THIRTY ⁑ i love current-universe you.

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(Y/n) adored her job, it was what she dreamed of doing since she was 4 years old

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(Y/n) adored her job, it was what she dreamed of doing since she was 4 years old. she worked hard to be where she is today, number five hero and first female hero on the charts. at times, she still couldn't believe she'd actually done it.

only thing that's less than convenient about the job was the unreasonable amount of paperwork that came with it. (Y/n) really wished someone warned her about the less glamorous parts of being a hero.

even so, she wouldn't trade it for the world.

and besides some nights were always easier than others, especially when her husband was around. the blond man is still the entertaining, permanent-smiled boy she met all those years ago; and his presence is exactly what she needed when swamped with work.

currently, however, Denki is out cold. laying on the long couch with his hands and feet sprawled out ungracefully; light snores falling from his open mouth as his chest rose and dipped with each light breath he took.

(Y/n)'s cheeks grew warm at the sight. he looks so much more mature now; but from certain angles, it's like she's again staring at the 17 year old dork whose biggest problem was getting a followback.

her -tired- (e/c) eyes shifted from her husband's face to the paperwork spread before her, then to the clock sitting on the corner of her desk; catching the exact minute it turned from 2:43 to 2:44 AM.

"fuck it." she groaned, too tired to continue. quietly as to not wake up Denki, she pushed her chair back; walking up to his sleeping self.

her ringed right hand found itself combing through his fluffy blond hair, signature black lightning bolt on full display.

her red lips stretched into an adoring smile when he began to stir. (Y/n) leaned down to his ear, "denks, cmon get up let's go sleep in our bed i'm done for the night."

with one eye open, Kaminari stared up at his wife with a confused expression. "already?" deep voice still laced with exhaustion vibrated through his throat and it instantly pierced her heart.

god this man has been her husband for two years, boyfriend for five, and still even the smallest of actions sent her blushing and gushing like a teenage girl fresh out into the real world.

"yeah." she whispered back, hand still tangled in his golden locks. "i'm too tired to work, come cuddle me."

and that was all it took for Denki to spring up with pulsating energy, like he hadn't been snoring just 10 seconds ago. he wrapped his muscular arms around her neck and allowed her to lead him to their shared bedroom.

he instantly crashed against the mattress with his wife still locked in his arms, held to his chest. (Y/n)'s hand subconsciously reached for his hair, she was slightly startled when Denki took her right hand by the wrist and rested it on his head; leaning down to nuzzle her hair.



"so i've been thinking..."

"we are not divorcing."

(Y/n) gently tugged on his hair, "yeah no shit, i'll kill you before i let you go."

despite it being a threat, her words comforted him for some reason.

"then what is it?"

"i've been thinking about... y'know, how our relationship started."

a moment of silence before he softly replied, "...yeah?"

"yeah." she nodded, "like... what would've happened if you never sent me that message? if Mina and the others didn't encourage you to text me..." her heart quickened at the idea, like it's within the realm of possibility for time to shift and change the current trajectory of their lives.

"it's kind of scary to think that if you hadn't, we never would've met, never would've fallen in love or gotten married." (Y/n) spoke with a voice as soft as a butterfly's wing flutter, stealing a fleeting glance at the shining diamond on her finger. "our entire relationship comes down to the fateful second you decided i was worth your time."

"it's scary." the (h/c) haired woman slowly looked up at her silent husband who stared down at her with full attention. "isn't it?"

Kaminari's arms tightened around her, "i guess, but it's useless to think about it that way y'know." a tired smile slipped its way to his lips, "i like to think there was an invisible string tying me to you even before i texted you." a finger of his glided across her bottom lip. "which, by the way, i was going to do wether or not my friends cheered me to, they just sped up the process."

he connected their lips in a quick kiss before pulling away, "our relationship comes down to the fateful second you deemed me worthy enough." he whispered against her lips as he twirled a strand of (h/c) hair between his fingers. "you and i will find each other in every alternate universe."

"wether or not we end up together in each one? i don't know; but it worked out for me here and i couldn't be any more grateful." Denki let go of her hair and pulled her even closer, closing his drowsy eyes. "not being married to you is alternate-universe-denki's problem not mine."

(Y/n) giggled at the words slipping from his mouth, "the way your mind works and how it thinks things through will never cease to awe me beyond words." she followed suit in closing her eyes, "i love you, current-universe Denki."

"i love you too, current-universe (Y/n)."


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