TWENTY THREE ⁑ ramen date.

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to call (Y/n) nervous would be a gross understatement

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to call (Y/n) nervous would be a gross understatement. she was practically a wreck – which was quite odd; up until this point she had felt fine, excited even! but as soon as she saw Kaminari leaning against his car waiting for her, she felt her knees buckle – all sense of tranquility left her body.

Camie's & Mora's words of encouragement went to waste, her sweaty palms gripped the knee-length navy blue dress she wore like she was holding onto the faintest vapor of her sanity.

he looked perfect in his sleek suit, phone in hand illuminating his sharp features. his slanted amber eyes, straight nose, full lips and blonde hair that reached the lobes of his ears – black lightening bolt across his hair.

this may not be their first meeting, however it is their first date – which is arguably more important. it suddenly dawned on (Y/n)..

that boy is her boyfriend now. hers. and only hers.

but if this date doesn't work out, it would ruin their relationship – or even worse: their friendship. which is something she couldn't afford to happen. not now, not ever.

and that's exactly why (Y/n) silently turned and began walking the opposite direction!

thankfully, Kaminari heard her heels clicking against the ground before she got any further. he silently strode along side her, waiting for her to notice him– she didn't.

"where are we going?" he questioned, hands shoved in his pockets to hide the endless fidgeting of his fingers.

(Y/n) felt her heart jump straight out of her chest. she glared at the blonde before hitting him on the shoulder with her bag, "you scared me!"

"i've been walking with you for the past 2 minutes!" he laughed, nerves slightly at ease now – though the anxiety quickly came crawling back into his system with his next question. "where were you running off to exactly?"

was she regretting her decision?

the (h/c) haired hero-in-training grinned a very nervous grin, "i wasn't running, i just didn't see you and thought i came early." she awkwardly laughed, hooking her arm with his and tugging him back to his car. "nevermind that, you're here i'm here let's go."

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