Kioku no dōki

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(Not my pic/art)

POV Shuichi

Where is Kokichi? Why am I worried so much?.... I don't know but he's still a person that is trapped here with us! We will find him for sure! And we will get out of here together!


Maybe he's in his room again. - Tennis boy( because I forgot his name)

Someone could just look for him right? - Mom

Shuichi you go. - Maki

Why me? - Shuichi

Because he only comes out when you go. - Maki

!? - Shuichi

O-ok - Shuichi

As I came to Kokichi's room I noticed that it wasn't looked like usually. He never lets the door open.

Kokichi? Are you in there?

No answer. 


Ok now I'm worried. What if he got killed? What if he is hurt?! Nononon!

As I opened the door Kokichi wasn't there. His room was almost destroyed! Everything was not there where it usually was! And Kokichi always has his room clean! And he wasn't there! What should I do?  Maybe I should tell the others!

I ran as fast as I could to the other guys!

G-guys! - shuichi

Are you Ok?! - Kaede

I probably looked like a mess and held my tears back.

Kokichi isn't there and his clothes and stuff aren't there to! His room is destroyed! - Shuichi

What?! - Kaito

Oh no! He wasn't kidding? - Rantaro

What do you mean? - Kaede

He said he found a way out and would go there as fast as possible to escape! - Rantaro 

What!? That gremlin found a way out and is now gone? - Kaito

To all students! There is a new motiv! All students should come and gather in the  gym! Who's late gets punished~! Except for our dear liar of course I already gave him the motive!

Does that mean that there is a chance that Kokichi's still in this cage? Is there still a chance for me to see him? To look at his purple eyes? To wach him play with his hair?

Wait! What am I thinking O////O

This is not a good time to get flustered!

Shuichi are you ok? - Rantaro

When they got to the gym

POV 3.Person

So! What is the motive teddy bear! - Kaito

I'm not a teddy bear! I'm Monokuma! The headmaster of hops peak academy!

Soooo~ I called you all here to hear about the new motive!

Motive? - Shuichi

A motivation to make you kill obviously! Puhuhuhuh~

A motivation to k-kill? - Kaede

This motiv is~

As Monokuma was about to tell everyone the new motive time seemed to freeze. The students were scared of what it would be. They didn't want another murder. And a young detective with naive blue hair and a maid were very worried about a certain little purple haired liar to be involved. ( I suck at explaining sry)

M E M O R I E S ! ! !

W-what are you talking about Monokuma! Memories? What is that for a motivation to kill?! -our dear idiot Kaito

Puhuhuh~ The motive is that two chosen students get their memories back! Those memories turn into their own person after some time! This person is at the start only a voice in your head! But the more memories the students get back the more power this person in their head will get! If the students have all their memories back the take the body of the student and own them. The students are then the voice in the head of the memories that became their own person! The body can be taken by the memories sooner when something REALLY makes them angry! Then they take control of the body!

The students needed 4 minutes to understand what the teddy bea- ähhh  I mean Monokuma told them. 

Wait! But who's affected by this motive? You said only two right? - Kaede

Kaede hugged Miu while talking and a little bit crying because of the whole thing going on, someone was missing, two people died. It was to much for her. Not only her but Shuichi, Himiko and Kirumi(MOM ) seem to take it not so well to.

Monokuma, you said you already gave Kokichi the motive right...does that mean he's one of the two people affected by the motive....? - Shuichi

Ding Ding Ding! Right you are detective! Puhuhu~ Our dear supreme leader already got some of his memories! It shouldn't take long until you get some as well!

I-I'm the second person? - Shuichi

Right again Detective~ Puhuhuhu!

This was to much for the detective. He fainted. All he saw now was darkness.

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