What's a Death Note?

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We laid there for hours basking in each other's company.
I sighed,"Are you guys still awake?"

They both gave an affirmative hum.

"I think I'm just going to let it go. Tell them that I know ,and it over. I just- I don't think I can handle anymore drama." My voice was strained, I was trying to fight back the emotions that came to the surface. I was just done, so very done.

"BULLSHIT ZUKU! THEY FUCKED WITH YOU!," he paused taking a breath, huffing in and out trying to calm himself down. "They fucked with you ,and they used you. You can't just tell me your letting that go!" The blonde angrily replied, siting up to look at me.

"Bakugou, it's his choice."Todoroki said groaning through clenched teeth, as he buried his head deeper in my neck. "However, I too think you should do something more severe, but ultimately it's still your choice."

"NO! I don't fucking care if it's his choice. They deserve more than a fucking slap on the wrist. Hell they deserve more than expulsion. If it were me I would tear them to fucking pieces, then put their body parts on my lawn, hanging their intestines on the trees as Christmas decorations.Then for good measure I'd send their heads in boxes to their family eyeballs shoved up their nostrils, and dicks down their throats to show how much of a wh-"

"But, I'm not like you! I can't do that!" I burst out.

'No shit! Your better, you are so much better than I could ever be. Zu, you don't give your self enough credit." His voice took a softer quality, but strained as if he were holding back tears.

"Don't talk about yourself like that!" I whispered. Kacchan sounded as if he was one step away from crying. And yeah right I'll never be as strong as Kacchan! I'm weak, stupid ,and pathetic! The quirkless wannabe who cheated his way through. Who had to take someone else's quirk ,that he still can't use without completely breaking apart his body! He was a burden to everyone, All Might, Inko, his parents, his supposed friends, Kacchan, Todo, ect.....  God he could go on for hours and he still wouldn't be done with the list.

That's not the fucking point! Oh My God! Where's is the fucking Izu I knew from my childhood! Huh! We're is my best friend! The one that plotted to send me a box of spiders, because you know that it one of my only weakness! The one that plotted different ways to torture your bullies, in you stupid fucking scrapbook. Where's the Izu who had a fucking blackmail list at 8 years old. Where's the you that I knew that hung me upside down on a tree, in my fucking underwear might I add, when I went to far.

"It wasn't a scrapbook," I mumbled

A snort was heard in the background

"Yeah sure laugh it up peppermint, spiders are fucking scary and so is he when he's pissed.
And really, that's what you take it out that entire fucking conversation. That it wasn't a fucking scrapbook! And if it wasn't a scrapbook then what the fuck was it, your Death Note?"

"No! It was just one of my notebooks."

"I have to say Izuku, that does sound rather amusing, but what is a Death Note? And will it work on my father!" the bicolored teen cocked his head to the side, looking like a confused puppy.

"Uncultured swine!  And yeah, it fucking amusing as hell! Except when its on you then its fucking torture," the ruby eyed teen scoffed.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I guess I pushed him down trying to fit in."

"Well than fuck it. No, Fuck them, be you the real you. Not this edited version of yourself. Plus, it's not like it matters anymore anyway." Katsuki snorted.

"That's true, but you didn't answer my question what's a Death Note? And can I use it on my sperm donor?"

"Ughhhhh... I'll explain later Icy Hot! It's not that fucking important right now! Anyway what will it be Izu? Want to have some fun like the good o'l days." He grinned, ruby red eye's glinting with glee.

"Ok, ok fine!"  My gears started to turning my head, coming up with plan among plan. My walls crumbling down little by little ,my true self starting to peak through again for the first time in years.
"Alright, here's step one...."

Hello my fellow humans it is I your author.
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(Sorry if that's incorrect I used a translator I' to lazy to do it my self. Also, I will be editing some of the chapters.)
Bye lovelies~

Words 792~

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