Buckle the fuck up BUTTERCUP!

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(Fill me up buttercup baby just to let let me down... ok I ll stop onto the thing that you are hear for even though I don't know why cuss it sucks. Now let me get a YAHHHHHHHH!😂)

"Ok here's the plan.
First we neeed to find out, who we can trust, who their talking about ,and who is doing the talking."  He said pulling out his notebook ,writing as he talked.

"Yah Yah blah blah blah! I thought that was obvious! Now tell me what I'm doing nerd. Who do I get to punch ,better yet who can I slander?" The blonde teen started cracking his knuckles.

"You know if you waited, you would know I was getting to that, but since your soooo impatient. I'm going to make you wait," The greenette huffed.

"What the fuck shitty nerd!" The blonde was outraged.

Todoroki snorted in the background


"Really damn nerd you start with him, I'm obviously better!"

-since you are quiet and no one really notices-

"OI I'm talking to you deku!"

-you and the fact that you don't interact with others you are going to sneake around-

"What the fuck stop ignoring me Izuku!"

-keep your eyes and ears open for anything and other classes since you wont look out of place wandering the halls."

"Aghhhhhhhh!" Bakugou through a pillow at Izuku's head which he dodged.

Todoroki couldn't hold it in anymore, laughter filled up the room.

Both boys instantly snapped their heads towards him. Todoroki collapsed with laughter tears streaming down his face.

"Holy shit he snorts!"

"Really Kacchan that's what our focused on! That he snorts when he laughs. What about the fact that he's laughing in the first place?"

After todoroki calmed down he sat back up and started wiping the tears off his face, "Oh my god I haven't laughed that had since I thought my dad died. Unfortunately it was a false alarm ,but at least I can say I unplugged his life support to charge my phone."

This time it was Bakugou's turn to laugh, causing the bicolored teen to restart his laughter.

"What other dimension have I woke up to. I feel like Alice when she fell down the rabbit hole and into wonderland.
I'm surrounded by idiots absolute idiots. You know what you guys freak out together, comparing the size of your one singular brain cell! I'm going to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and a snack." He said as he  rose from the bed walking out the door leaving the two hysterical teens behind.

As he walked downstairs past Iida's room he heard moaning, "harder Mineta harder!"

He froze who in the right mind would fuck mineta, he debated weather or not to peak when mineta gave him the answer " you like that momo don't you? You like your pussy stuffed with my balls and dick. Your so naughty doing this in your classmates room behind your girlfriends back." He shivered in revulsion and gagged ( me too sis me too) speed walking down the stairs reaching the common zoom.

All the lights were off he looked at the clock, 3:30 stared back at him. 'When had it turned so late and if it was that late why wasn't Iida in his room. And if he wasn't in his room then where the fuck was he? You know what, no leave that for tomorrow. Get some food for you, kacchan ,and todoroki and then we can sleep and deal with this tomorrow. Wait, no Go over step one of the plan then get sleep. Yeah that sounds nice. Wait that means coffee is of the table'

As he entered the kitchen he flicked on the lights head down muttering to himself he walked towards the fridge and opened it. When he filially looked up he froze in shock ,internally screaming bloody murder ,before adopting an utterly defeated look.

He sighed "Tokoyami, why are you on top of the fridge 3 in the morning?"

"Revelry in the dark, you are the first to have noticed. I hear the demons from the depths of hell attempting to communicate I must learn their language so I may speak with them.

His eyes widened Iida's room was right above them. "no No NO NOOOOO, Tokoyami how often does this happen?"

Ahh I hear different voices every night although the seem to be of the same group, some more frequent than others. Why do you wish to partake in learning as well Midoriya?

He opened his mouth only to close it trying to think of what to say, " You know what I'm good! I'm just going to get some food ,and go right back up stairs."

"What has my life turned into," He muttered to himself.

He put the kettle on the stove ,taking out three bowls and instant ramen. He stood there in silence waiting for the water to be ready.

"Hey tokoyami how often are you heree..... and he's gone."

"I am here almost every fortnight"

"Holy shit don't scare me like that," he screeched

"Ah apologies," the awkward atmosphere was tense.

"Ok, well the food is done. So I'm going back to my dorm,do you want me to leave the lights on?"

"I'm fine with the darkness in my soul."

Izuku slowly nodded his head. "I'm going to take that as a no? Have a good night Tokoyami."

He bolted back upstairs slamming the door behind him. Only to find Todoroki and Bakugou shirtless and making out in his bed their pants half way down their legs.

(Lmao jk haha he just shut the door behind him! But it would be hilarious if he did. Oml I'm dying 😭😂)

A/n kinda sorta a filler chapter but this is what my brain came up with last night, I can't bring myself to change it because this is kinda hilarious.

But honestly Todoroki would definitely try and pull the plug if his dad was under life support just to change his phone. In fact the whole family would probably fight over who could pull the plug!

Also have a picture of my dog^ (up top)
She's fluffy, from Taiwan, is the perfect size to stick her nose up your crotch ,and her name is Kiwi!
Although we often call here key the wii's ,and kiwi the moon dog. Why, I don't know.

Anyway update on the I confessed to my friend situation. Yah she got the message but umm she is so goddamed oblivious that she thought I meant platonically. Because yes best friend tell each other they love them at 3 in the morning out of the blue.
On second thought do the do that i never really had fiends before.
Anyway yah I'm not sure on wether to be disappointed or happy.
Story of my life

Bye lovelies~

~1145 words~

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