Avoir du .... fromage!

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Izuku slammed the door behind him. Kacchan was flat on his stomach on top of the covers, todoroki beside him scrolling through his phone one hand resting in the blondes hair.

They both looked up.

"Whats with all the rushing nerd!" Kat said turning towards me reacting his head in the palm of his hand.

His shirt rode up exposing a sliver of his abdomen.

"Not now gay thoughts," I muttered to myself.

" You know what! I need to take a shower my head is going in every direction ,and I just need to think to myself and relax so ill see you in a few. Bye!" I rush over to the other side of the room snatching a black towel I had hanging by the dresser on a hook and scrambled right back out the door not catching the utterly bewildered look the other two teens through each other as I left.

"What in the ever loving fuck was that about?" the red eyed teen stared at the closed door the greenest had previously left from.

The bi colored teen shrugged as he got up to get his ramen" hmm he forgot to grab utensils"

The blonde snorted, " check the second draw on the right in his desk, there has got to be a few."

Todoroki stared at the open drawer, "they're all All Might themed."

"That's the nerd for you," the blonde chuckled.

~time skip brought to you bye Shigaraki screaming at the sight of lotion~

Izuku stood in the bathroom stepping into the showers hot water failing like molten rain. He closed his eyes head bent forward muscles slowly relaxing from their tensed up position.

His mind was going haywire from the past few hours, slowly he brought his head up. Scared hands reached for the shower handle turning the water off. He stepped out of the shower feet landing on the plush gray rug, yanking the towel down behind him panting down his body before tying it around his torso.

He looked down on the counter looking at a innocent white travel sized band-aid container he brought with him when he was getting his clothes, it's kind of ironic to be honest. He wanted to he really did. He just couldn't be bothered to take that box, that chance. He was just to tired to go through the steps that it would take to properly hide it from the two boys currently lounging in his room. That really says something huh?

He sat down on the toilet, the cold porcelain seeping into his flushed skin. He didn't know why he did it, why he just couldn't stop. The feeling was too addicting, the image to calming. But why? It's not like their was something horrible happing to him, he had food, and shelter, sure he wasn't rich but he was better off than most, he had a quirk, he had mom, his family . He leaned his head on his palms elbows digging into his knees. He gripped his hair as his eyes started to tear up, he shouldn't be crying he had no right to cry.

Slowly taking a deep breath in he released his hair. Stealing himself together before getting up, putting on his clothes. He looked in the foggy mirror fantly seeing his reflection. He felt like that sometimes a nobody just a background character that people couldn't give two shits about. He plastered a fake smile on his face, I'm fine, I'm just being overdramic and pathetic, ringing throughout his head on replay.

~time skip brought to you by Aizawa listening to Dolly Parton while dancing in a pink tutu~

He slowly walked back up the stairs, and into his room. He softly closed the door behind him. Sof snores emanated from his bed the boys where passed out on the bed Kachin raped around Todoroki's right side like a koala  clinging to a tree. HHe always did hate the cold. He smiled softly before sighing and turning gourds the desk two empty bowls laced next to his full one completl cold by now which how much time had passed. he wasn't hungry his appetite had diminished in the shower. He pushed the full bowl aside, quietly powering up his laptop turning the brightness to low as to not to disturbed the two boys, and plugged in his headphones.
Just as he was about to sit down in his chair a knock came from his window. Cuasously he stood and apron he'd the window ready to attack if needed. Only to see ... Ayoyama? He opened the window
Ayoyama wh are you out side my window

I can not help to notice you looked down so I decided to cheer you up with the presence of moi
Also I brought cheese

HEre here take it now it has been lovely t se you and grace with my presence but i really must go
Au revoir Midoriya!

Uhh bye! .. I guess

Does he normally do that?

I streaked and spun in surprise

Todoroki you scared me

Apologies, also call me Shoto

Ohh alright and no not really. At least I don't think so, but I'm kinda starting to second guess myself due to the sheer number of time I've found cheese outside my dorm.

Hmmm...What time is it?

Uhh its 2;30 in the morning why?

Come to bed you need to sleep

I'm not tired, plus I still have to go over the outline for our essay due tomorrow then I have to double check my math and English homework incase I got something wrong. I also wanted to study a bit for the test in science. Then I was going to come up with a plan for the whatever this thing is.

You already finished your essay we double checked in our last class, I was your partner in case you don't remember your essay is fine. Our math and science homework isn't due till thee day after so you can do it tomorrow night. And our science test is next week so there's no need for you to be studying so early in the morning and the plans can wait now get in bed and stop making excuses, before I wake up the angry Pomeranian and make you.

He sighed before giving up and curling up on the other side of the bed back facing the two teens cuddled behind him

Goodnight Shoto

Goodnight Midoriya

Call me Izuku its only fair

Goodnight Izuku

A/N hey everybody sorry for not updating in a while like I said in past chapters i don't exactly have a schedule for updating as I write when I feel like it so that the content and quality of the story is better and doesn't look so forced. Updates might be a little bit farther between as at the moment I am also working on several different stories, and some family problems have popped up recently so my motivation and mental heath aren't exactly great at the moment. Sorry that this is another filler chapter I am working on a an actual chapter to progress the story line but I didn't wan't to make the story to fast paced. This isn't exactly edited at the moment either so I will come back and fix it but feel free to point out any errors. Also I don't really know French so apologies if it doesn't Mae sense I'm using google translate haha😅

Bye lovelies~

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