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The door clicked softly behind me, as it swung shut. The door creaked as I leaned against the polished wood, tears running down my cheeks.
Why? I thought we were friends! I thought she cared for me! Why does everyone leave me? I really am useless aren't I? Just a stupid Deku!
He was sobbing, tears flooding his vision. He slowly stood up leaning heavily against the door, my head thudded as I tilted it back against the wood. I stared at the ceiling, thoughts swirling in his head. He slowly moved forward towards the bathroom, feet shuffling against the plush carpet.

He quickly dialed Aizawa, forcing back the tears ,and steadying his voice. "I'm mot coming in for class today."

It wasn't uncommon for him to call in like this. is't just, there are times where everything becomes to much and my anxiety takes over me. It feels like I'm too sensitive, and I'm drowning in a sea of feelings, sounds,and sights. I had asked with Nezu about this before he said it was fine as long as it doesn't interfere with my grades. Even with all my absences, I'm still somehow up near the top percentage of our class.

I shuck off my clothing and curl up in my bed hugging a pale green dinosaur plushy. I had nicknamed him as Basil, and his fur was like a cats silky ,smooth ,and soft. It smelled like home, hints Inko's perfume and katsudon. Inko got him for me for Christmas not that long ago. His full name was Basilisk, a lot of people don't get the reference since it was a book from the pre-quirk era.
I bonded with a lot of pre-quirk era things it made me feel included that there was a time when I would have been normal and treated like a human being. People that dreamed and used their creativity and skills to become someone. People were valued for there knowledge and prowess, not for a superpower. People where loved for their personality and character not because they were strong and had a cool quirk. I guess I was just born to late for this world. Because of that one thing, my life had become my personal hell.
My phone dinged, brewing me out of my thoughts. I didn't want to deal with it. So just turned silent mode, and turned around. I don't know how long I laid there till there was a knock at my door.
"Midoryia, I know you're in there are you all right?" It was Todoroki, I didn't reply.
My thoughts started to spiral again, What if he was like Uraraka and Iida? Pretending to be my friend! NO! No! He...he wouldn't do that!.... Would he? I don't know! I don't knOW! I DON'T KNOW! I couldn't breath, I was suffocating. The air was choking me it's large hands squeezing at my neck ,and pressing down on my chest not letting me breath. I heard sobbing? Who's crying? Why are they crying?
"...ku you need to breath!"
Who was talking, are they talking to me? The world was blurred everything blots of colors. I hear a crash of the door. Then I felt hands on my face, I opened my eye's. When had I closed them? Kacchan was in front of me his scarlet blazing eye's looking at me. He looked concerned his eyebrows drawn together, he never looked like that before. Much less like that at me of all people! So, why? Someone shuffled behind him, I looked over the blonde's shoulder to see Shoto wringing his hands, he looked terrified and uncertain. 
"Oi! Nerd look at me and breathe, you fucking dumbass!"Kacchan took my hand and placed it on his chest. I could feel his heart beat, his cheats expanding as he breathed. I zeroed in on the sensation slowly falling out of my panicked state, unconsciously I started to match our breathing patterns.
"Oi! IcyHot come over hear and be useful, for once in your fucking life. Use your quirk on your hands, sit behind him and putt them on his fucking face!" His voice was soft, but somehow still aggressive and demanding.
There was no reply from the bi-colored teen. I felt the bed dip behind me then a blast of cold and warm temperatures on my cheeks. I slowly grew more relaxed, the sensations ,dragging me away from my thoughts. I gripped on to the blonde in front of me pulling him down as I started to fall on Sho behind me. As the heterochromatic teen had no support ,and did not expect the sudden weight he fell as well.
As I slowly fell sleep, tired from the panic attack. I heard Kacchan screaming. Whatever he's always screaming, plus he was comfortable.

A/n Hello!!!!!! Again you glorious people of Wattpad! How do you do?  You might be like, what the fuckkkkkkk, did I just read?  Yeahhhhhh........ I don't know 🤷‍♀️. I was the bored. So my Brain is like I feel like writing, let me load a bunch of ideas into your head! And well, this is what my chaotic insane Brain came up with at 3 in the morning. Yes, it was early! Do I care? No, not really. Sleep deprivation here I come! I'm happy as long as I have my morning coffees.
Notice the use of plurals in coffees. 
Plus, more than half the people on Wattpad ,are probably insomniacs anyway.
Like Shinso!
Anyway, I edited this at noon, the same day and I was like what in the world did I write? Whelp! I tried to tell the world I'm crazy! Did they listen to me? No! No, they did not. Therefor, I shall make a plan to rule the world. Then they would have to lock me up! Mwhahahaha!
Lol, why am I like this. To be honest this is probably why I have no friends. Ehhh But, to hell with it! If there is one thing an entire life of toxic friendships have taught me since I was in daycare!  It is that my character judgment sucks, and friends and family are just disappointments! And praying things away is a waist of my time Thank you Calvary Christian school, your method of dealing with bullies was fantastic! Note the sarcasm. And public schools you just cannot care any less can you!
Anywhoooo! I'm gonna go before this turns into a rant. Toodles!!!
Bye lovelies!!! I'm gonna go jump off a cliff now!
Wait, I can't do that can I? Damn you COVID your ruining my life! Look what you've done, you stupid VIRUS! Now I have be like some emo chick ,and cry in the corner. Reminiscing at how much of a disappointment I am!!😝Jerk! Not that there's anything wrong with emo's they're cool. Just look at Jiro and Tokoyami!
Also please tell me if I missed something while editing, Otherwise you're dead to me.
Ughhhhh, I need more coffee.

1074 words~

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