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    A low ringing filtered through the foggy haze of sleep, it was later joined by the faint sent of eucalyptus . The soft lights started to flood in as I opened my eyes. I looked at the alarm, 6:30. Good, I didn't over sleep. I had a tendency of oversleeping and completely ignoring my alarm, or just not getting out of bed in general.  And therefore, had to set measures to insure that I got up in time for class. Although, the said measures weren't pleasant, for example I have to set an early alarm wich is a nice wake up call , then a you have 'half an hour till class alarm' wich to be honest is quite disturbing, but I guess that the purpose of it huh?
I shivered as I got out of bed, the morning air was cold compared to the cozy heat under the covers. I tend to sleep in my undergarments, unless its freezing when I hop in bed. I just feel as if clothes suffocated me as I sleep constricting my movements causing me to become claustrophobic, rapping me up and tangling me in a stifling embrace.

    I headed to my dark charcoal wooden dresser pushed up against the wall in the corner of my room. Inko tends to get me nice things to try and  compensate for my childhood and her lack of care.  I pulled out my uniform ,the grey polyester fabric soft against my fingers, before starting towards the bathroom door ,connected to my room.

The tiles were cool and smooth against my bare feet, the chill caused me to let out a violent shiver. I set my clothes down on the top of the toilet lid. Turning towards the shower , pushing the handle all the way to the left making it as hot as it could go.  I opened the cupboard taking out my toothbrush, toothpaste, and face cleanser, preparing everything before hand. I let let out a sigh letting my shoulders dropping as I leaned my weight on the sink counter. Slowly my eyes make contact with my reflection in the mirror, dull green eyes stared back. Instantly my mind starts to point out everything wrong with me ,my ears too far apart from my head, my nose protruding to far out, freckles looked like dirt smudges on my checks, my face to round still packed with baby fat. I felt like my body was a prison, and it's only purpose was to keep me locked behind it's bars. Slowly the fog crept over with mirror covering my reflection with condensation, leaving only a silhouette behind. I tore my eyes away, leaving the dental supplies by the sink taking the face wash with me into the shower. I winced as boiling hot water hit my skin, turning it bright red and blotchy. I don't change it, the pain distracted me from the swirling thoughts in my head.

I feel like that a lot. The fogged over mirror I mean. Like I'm this faceless person in the background ,that no one pays attention to. A background character with no purpose, numb to the world around me. Childhood trauma doesn't just go away when you move on with your life and things change. Everyone just starts to ignore it ,because they no longer think it's a problem, after all years have passed and your better know right. So yes I might be a little depressed....ok a bucket of depression might as well drown me to be honest, and no, I don't cut ,but I find other ways.  It was to great of a risk of someone finding out, and then I'd have to deal with Inko and the school. Its just to much of a hassle, plus nobody looks twice if you burn yourself taking toast out of the oven, if you happen cut yourself while chopping food, or injure yourself while training. We are learning to be hero's after all, and why would happy go lucky Izuku do that to himself ? I scoffed. Ok,so what? Maybe I'm having a pity party, but no one is here to see ,and what else are showers for. I turned off the water stepping out onto the mat he had laid down ,a precaution to make sure he's not making it look like the bathroom just got flooded by a rainstorm. Patting the water off my skin, I changed into the school uniform, and headed out the door towards the stairs making my way towards common room.

He was earlier than usual as there was no one there yet, normally he would be one of the last few to enter. Heading into the kitchen he started the coffee machine. He took out his phone scrolling through TickTock while waiting honestly the app was kind of addictive, once on get on you can't get off. It's easy to lose hours to the app just scrolling. He was thankfully on the gay, artist, weeb, cooking, cosplayer side as dubbed by the community, and no where near the straight side of Tick Tock shuddering at the very thought. The coffee machine went off an indecent beeping filling the air. He quickly stashed his phone away in his back pocket. Pulling out his mug that was black with red lettering saying ,"Normal people scare me",it was a quote from an American tv show called, American horror stories. He was actually fluent with English due to the fact he stayed there with an American foster family while his parents handled the divorce, neither really wanted him. His dad due to the fact he was quirk-less in a society filled with quirks ,and it would have been bad for his reputation as he was a large multi-million business owner. His mom on the other hand because didn't want the responsibility of looking after him ,the fact and she couldn't really support him. She had told him once that she hadn't really wanted him or any kids in the first place. Only going through with it because she was getting money from his biological father at the time, and now that he dumbed her due to "bad gens and compatibility" well,  in her eyes what's the point . She eventually dropped him off with a stack of filled out adoption papers in japan, at a long past friend's doorstep out of the blue, dropping off the grid soon after. That's how he ended up with Inko, she was kind sort of person that was entirely oblivious to the hardships of life ,and never truly cared for anyone besides her close friend Mistsuki, putting a mask on in public to make her seem like a dotting, if overly protective mother. In reality she honestly could have cared less. He could jump of a building and she wouldn't even have one shred of emotion for him, he didn't blame her either. She didn't ask nor want him ,but still had to keep him after all where else could she dump him with out throwing away her image.
As he was pouring his coffee, he heard people come down the stairs. He recognized the footsteps to be that of his two friends, Uraraka and Iida. He didn't really feel like socializing with anybody at that moment to drained from his sleepless night. Not that that was anything new, it was just that he had pulled an all nighter last night. It wasn't on purpose he was too restless, paranoid , and uncomfortable anyways finding something wrong with his position. So, he hunkered down in the kitchen hoping they wouldn't come in and see him. He tuned in on there conversation, he didn't mean to ease drop he was just bored with nothing else to do except drink a cup of coffee and stare blankly at a wall.

"-so whiny you know? I just feel as if he cries, about everything. Like I'm trying to be nice and all, but it just gets soooooo annoying. I just wish he would shut up for once." ,her voice was high pitched and grating.

"Uraraka I do not believe we should be talking about our classmates while they are not here!" Iida's voice was sharp and clear.

"Come on Iida! Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong, you think it too. Plus if we told him to his face he'd probably burst out crying, and then we'd look like the bad guys just because we don't want to deal with his drama! It's not like the rest of the class has to deal with him running to them balling because he stubbed his toe or something! ughhhhh!" she groaned complaining, her voice getting more whiny as she when't on.

"While I believe this to be true, I still do not thin we should be talking about this here where they may over hear us!"
The slap of a hand hitting hand punctuated his sentence.

"Oh please! Deku's a lazy slob who doesn't get up till the very last moment. He's not going to be coming down anytime soon." She stomped her foot like a child proclaiming there displeasure at not getting what they want.

"While that is also true , I do have to be going to call my family to give them my daily report of my status of wellbeing and grades." Iida replied without missing a beat his voice was slightly disapproving.

"Ok! Talk to you later, i'm gonna stay down her for a while."
Once Iida's steps and voice faded she started speaking again.
"Bossy, know it all. Ughh, he's so boring and stupid! The only good thing he does is do my homework because he's trying to help me or something. God I can't wait to dumb that sniveling snot nosed crybaby, the only reason I'm still with that DEKU is, because I just want him to fuck me so I can brake his hart and then blame it on him saying he forced me or something." After her tirade she stayed for a while longer, muttering angrily under her breath before she trudged back up to her room.
He sat there for a moment his back pushed up against the counter in shock, he set down his coffee leaving forgotten on the counter. One tear slowly made it's way down his cheek, silent tears trialing down his face. Numbly he forever his legged to move up the stairs back to the silent emptiness of his room.

Edit: so i didn't change to much however there was just a few things that were bothering me that I felt I needed to fix, for example some parts didn't Mach up quite right and the story just wasn't flowing well enough for me. So I just touched it up and polished it a bit more! Ps; I will probably come back again another time to fix it because i found something else I didn't write to if you find that a chapter has changed that's probably the reason why. And incase you didn't catch the hint This is Not the only chapter I will do this with I will probably go to other chapters and fix them as well updating them. There is also the problem where I make stuff up as I go so inn a further chapter if I want to do something and it doesn't line up I will probably change it. You don't really have to re read previous chapters but this is just kinda a heads up Hope you enjoy!

A/n helloooooo everybodyyyyyy! I know I'm evil putting angst in the first chapter. Mwahaha
I hoped you enjoy because there is more a comming.
Bye loveliesss!
~word count 1232~

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