This is a rant you can skip if you want but I felt like this had to be said.

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So recently I came a cross a topic that was dubbed super straight. Personally I didn't even know this was a thing until a few days ago but I just am so fed up with it at this point I feel like it had to be said.

If you don't know what super straight means its where *Transphob's* cough cough sorry striaghts who only want to date " real women/men" i.e. cis women/men and try to claim they are being oppressed😑
Most of these people happen to be het men surprising right

Yeah I thought the same thing

First thing that's wrong with that sentence is that real women/men part their is no such thing as a real woman or man there are men and women period trans people are still women or men or whatever the claim to be their not different their not wrong and to say otherwise is transphobia. Now when you point this out to them they get all defensive saying its a preference and I chose this sexuality and were not being mean we're just being oppressed and our just being super straight phobic another

Yeah sure ok

I feel like they don't understand what a preference is a preference lady's gentleman non-binaries and everyone in between. Is exactly that a preference not a sexuality its like saying since I only prefer people with green eyes I'm going to make a up a sexuality where you can only date people with green eyes and no one else. Because everyone else with different eye colors are no longer people dumb right

Now I'm not saying that its not ok to be straight or to not want to date trans people or someone of another gender you are allowed to have your opinions and preferences jus don't be going around making up excuses for transphobia and then claim its a sexuality and that it should be included in the LGBTQ+ community because newsflash in order to be in the community you have to except everyone in the community in this case trans

It's almost laughable that this a thing I mean come on how far up your ass and in the clouds do you have to be and i order to be able to tell whether someone is a real women you would have to check their chromosomes great fist date opener No?

And sexuality and gender Is not a FUCKING CHOICE. You don't choose to like or be a certain gender you just have it you aren't brainwashed you aren't forced or influenced into it your born with it simple and if you don't like someone move on just like you would if you didn't like someone who was tall or short or bald don't go making a big deal out of it and treat them like we're not human and don't exist

Also their has been a real problem of people making jokes about how the "super straights" don't feel "safe" because they're being called out for being transphobic and told to stop because this is serious and not funny.
Like I'm sorry are you getting beat up on the street for being who you are are you getting murdered and killed. Are you having to pretend that you are someone you're not because thier is a chance you could get thrown onto the streets like an animal. All so you can feel at least semi comfortable in your body no because your not oppressed you never have been no where in the world are you being told it's illegal to be straight that your rights are being stripped and you are unnatural and being dehumanized. While people and children in places like the Uk are being banned from access to hormones or worse and to claim you are being harassed and abused it is quite honestly disgusting.
And people calling you out for it is not the same as homophobia and to say it is is down right insulting to insinuate that it is.

I feel like the worst part is that this is not just straight people they're are people who are gay's lesbian Bi's and probably more who are doing this to claiming their "super gay" or "super lesbian" which is similar to a gold star lesbian which is just a whole other can of fucked up worms and if your Bi claiming to be "super Bi" I kinda feel like their is no excuse because you already show you don't have a genital preference so like what the fuck

Honestly I'm all over the place and if you are confused or would like a better expiation you can watch the video above by Sam Collin who explains it a lot better or Jamie dodger, queer kiwi, NOAHFINNCE just to name a few I'm sure thier are more.

I'm sorry if I'm coming of as aggressive I don't mean to be I'm just so fed up with this kind of stuff. And people tend to say that its 2021 oppression is over unfortunately that is not true and I wish it were otherwise but its not
I also apologize for any errors I am have wrote I'm just really worked up right now and not in the mood to go and edit I just wanted to get my thoughts and opinions out. And get pissed when stuff like this happens because it also makes it harder for others who may not be in the best of situations and it can be detrimental to a lot of people especially to those of a younger age or someone who is more vulnerable. And this kind of hate and oppression is not only within the LGBTQ+ community it is with race and ethnicities and other things as well. Right know with the COVID 19 virus it's Asian communities (thx trump fucking asshole) and black communities.

A lot of this starts on social media and I feel like one day people are going to realize that social media is going to be our down fall and it quite honestly probably is, but by the time people realize the damage will already be done. Because social median and technology is only getting more advanced by the day and laws are only getting more out dated because technology is progressing faster than our laws and one day its going to come and bite us in the ass unless we do something about it but people want they want filters and apps that make them look prettier or look a certain way but that also means that face scanner's have to get better and you have even less protection than before

Anyway I'm going to end this rant here because I'm getting of topic
I will be posting this in all my stories and if you read this rant thank you for reading it means a lot and be careful
And if you can just spread the word if you can and you don't or can't that's ok and I feel like sometimes people say your a bad person for not speaking out but sometimes it's scary and you're not in the right circumstances to do so and I say this because I've been their and when you hear stuff like that it feels like shit so yeah I just felt like I had to say that and if you disagree with my opinions that's ok to because you're entitled to your opinions but It is not ok to hate and bully them and force your opinions on others.
And I'm getting of topic again so

Bye lovelies and again thank you for reading it means a lot ~

So I just went into a very deep thinking and I feel like I have uncovered something huge
So let's say Jesus is real (I personally don't believe in Christianity but if you do I'm not judgeing) but let's say he is if Jesus was born from Marry who is a virgin wouldn't he be born a female because he only has a X chromosome
Anyway I did some research and it turns out I was right if Jesus was born from Virgin Mary he would be born an AFAB child ( assigned female at birth)  and since the Bible  always refers to him as a male

Jesus would have to be TRANS

boom mic drop

I feel like a god oml my parents are looking at me like I'm deranged

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