Chapter Eleven: Times Like These

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Ymir's POV

Christa's birthday was on that day.

And in celebration, we had our wedding on that day.


"I will NOT be wearing a dress!" I huffed, Reiner, Bert, and Annie shoving dresses in front of me. They stepped back at my remark.

"Then what do you plan on wearing?" Reiner groaned, throwing the dresses back on a rack.

I laughed in content, crossing my arms over my chest. "A suit."

Annie's face remained blank. "Okay. Let's go find one."

"Thank you, Annie." I emphasized, turning away from Reiner. The two men followed eventually.

We wandered into the men's department, sifting through suits in plastic bags.

"How about this one?"


"This one looks nice..."


"Y-You'd look great in this, Ymir..."

"Hmm. No."

Finally, I pulled one off a rack, that I actually liked. "I'll try this one," I told the three others, each of them nodding.

I came back out in the simple outfit; a button down shirt, slacks, and a coat.

Reiner clapped loudly, Bert attempting to calm him down, nervous as always. Annie gave a thumbs up.

It'd do just fine.


Christa's POV

Me and Ymir would be a wedded couple in only a few days. I was nearly eighteen, so we decided to celebrate the wedding on my birthday.

I couldn't bare the wait.


Hanji was zipping up at least a dozen dresses on me, none of them really sticking out.

"I'll never find the right dress!" I pouted, Hanji giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sure you will, Christa."

I sighed, continuing to try on dress after dress.

"Need any help?" An employee popped her head in for the at least tenth time.

"Like I said last time; no thank you." Hanji deadpanned, her eyes twitching slightly. I shivered.

The employee left with a nervous smile on her face, quickly getting the fuck out of there. I giggled slightly, though I felt bad.

Hanji handed me the next dress. "This one doesn't have a zipper, so..."

I popped out of my daydreams. "Oh! Okay." I stuttered out, pulling the dress over my yellow blonde head.

And I knew, this was the dress.

It was a faded white color, with a rounded collar and flowing skirt that nearly covered my feet.

I was in love with it.

"This is the one." I started, smiling at Hanji. She grinned back, nodding in approval.

"Let's go pay for it then, my daughter."


It was the day of the wedding. Everyone from Jean, Armin, Reiner, Bert, and even the Levi and Erwin Duo were there.

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