Chapter Three: Warning

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Christa's POV

The four of us arrived at the waffle house, Ymir and Jean conversing and Marco adoring me.

A song rung through the speakers quietly, Ymir and Jean reacting almost immediately. Ymir hummed along.

Bat your eyes girl, be otherworldly,
count your blessings, seduce a stranger.
What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness.

When she woke in the morning
she knew that her life had passed her by.
And she called out a warning,
"Don't ever let life pass you by."

The door bell rung as we stepped inside, being greeted by a waitress.

I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal.
When will we learn? When will we change?
Just in time to see it all fall down.
Those left standing... will make millions... 
writing books on the way it should have been.

When she woke in the morning
she knew that her life had passed her by.
And she called out a warning,
"Don't ever let life pass you by."

We were led to a booth near the front; the restaurant was mostly empty.

Floating in this cosmic jacuzzi
we are like frogs oblivious to the water starting to boil.
No one flinches, we all float face down.

When she woke in the morning
she knew that her life had passed her by.
And she called out a warning,
"Don't ever let life pass you by."

Jean kept on about Ymir's gig last night, Marco looking at the menu. I searched the breakfast menu, deciding on just waffles and juice. I looked up to join conversation and announce what I was going to have, when I saw him.

My father.

He was at the counter.

The blood from my face drained, Ymir eyeing me suspiciously.

"Something wrong?"

I shushed her, scribbling with a discarded pen onto a napkin.

"My dad is here."

Ymir took the hint, and blocked his view of our table. Marco handed me his hoodie, as I pulled it on hastily. The waitress led my father to the other far end of the restaurant, out of sight.

"Keep it on just in case."

I nodded to Marco, pulling down the hood.

The waitress came to our table, and in a chipper tone asked for our drink preferences.


We walked out with full bellies, stumbling down the street. I clung to Ymir's arm for protection, Jean grasping Marco's hand.

"So, Christa, you a fan of Ymir?" Marco asked, Jean kissing his cheek lovingly.

"Y-yeah, but now, I feel more like a friend to h-her."

Ymir's expression softened, blushing slightly.

I giggled lightly, nuzzling my face in her arm. Marco "awww-ed", gripping Jean's hand. Jean paused, pulling his iPhone out and glancing at it.


Both me and Marco jumped, asking what was wrong.

"I have work today. Bye!"

Jean then ran off, down the street. Ymir looked at her watch.

"I work in an hour."

"Whaaaat?! Ymir, where am I gonna go?" I whined.

Roadside (Ymir x Christa/Historia)Where stories live. Discover now