Chapter Five: Live Again

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[Important Note: Self Harm/ Suicide references in here, if that upsets you, please don't read.]

Christa's POV

Dark. Cold. Tears.

It had been about a week since they found me at Ymir's.

Most of the time my father beat me for the incident, leaving me covered in gruesome bruises.

All I wanted was Ymir, now I could never see her again. The disappointing truth set in, and it would never leave me.

I did like Ymir. No, I loved her.

I'd give anything to have her back.


My radio played in the background, boring voices saying boring things I had no care for.

Music started, but I didn't care.

Feeling, nothing.

Lonely, empty.

You try to walk away, but you fall.

You cannot understand, what's this for.

My lifeless eyes landed on my pencil bag. I reached for it, zipping it open.

In this world, I see it more.

The pain you feel, that I ignore...

I pulled out my pencil sharpener, breaking off the screw. I've heard people who use the razor from pencil sharpeners to hurt themselves, so why not me?

You see my face, and then you see nothin'

Confused; you turn, and live up...

I turn my face;

You're staring back and then-

That's when the song caught my attention.

Look at yourself and live again.

I threw the razor down, my eyes moving to the mirror.

Can't see me, you feel me.

Want me, you'll find me.


I'll be your everything;

Will you call?

I need her.

You'll need more & more.

When you fall!


In this world, I see it more.

The pain you feel, that I ignore...

I threw the razor at the mirror, clinking as it hit and fell to the carpet.

I needed Ymir.

You see my face, and then you see nothing.

Confused; you turn, and live up...

I turn my face;

You're staring back and then,

I was willing to do anything.

Look at yourself and live again.

How many times have you looked

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