Chapter Six: Dig

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Christa's POV

I was eventually placed in an temporary home, until someone could officially adopt me. You may be wondering, what happened to my mother?

She died when I was little, she was killed by a gang and I was spared. My father stepped forward to take care of me then, pushing me aside most of the time.

Anyways, Jean and Marco would visit me every few days, Ymir was almost always over.

She really wanted to adopt me, but it wouldn't work well since I stayed with her as a runaway.


About a year passed, and news of the orphanage I stayed in spread. They were short on money, and couldn't keep on for long.

They were to shut down in a few months, and all the children would be moved out of state.

This scared Ymir.

She knew she wouldn't be able to adopt me, and it killed her.


We were about a month away from the shutdown when Ymir came over in a pretty happy mood.

"Hey, Ymir." I greeted sweetly, running up to hug her.

"Hey, Christa." She kissed my forehead,  gripping me tight.

"You're awfully happy." I let her go, holding my hands nervously.

"Cause you're not leaving."


Ymir took a deep breath. "My manager Hanji has always wanted a kid, right?  Well I told her about you and she is freaking in love with you. She'd make a great mother. She wants to adopt you."

I couldn't believe it. I smiled brightly, tears streaming down my face in just mere seconds. I hugged her again, Ymir grinning.

"Do I get to meet her?" I asked, looking up at Ymir.

"Yeah, she's in the hall, lemme get her."

Ymir left the room, as I sat back down on my bed.

A few moments later, Ymir entered with Hanji, an older woman with brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and glasses.

The woman was hopping up and down, running into the room, straight at me.

"CHRISTA!" She squealed, throwing her arms around my neck.

I hugged her back, and began crying into her shirt. I was so happy.

She held me, stroking my hair.

It was the first time I felt loved by a parent.


A week or so passed when the adoption was finalized, and I went with Hanji.

She had a small apartment, only two bedrooms.

She already had a bed set up for me, allowing me to decorate.

We shopped, and we bonded.

She was a great mother.


Ymir, Bertholdt, Reiner, and Annie came over to discuss the next show, Hanji helping.

I made cookies and tea, like Marco had done for me, and brought it into the living room, placing it on the table.

"Thanks, cutie." The blonde brute remarked, winking my way. Bertholdt eyed him, slapping his shoulder.

Ymir glared, flicking him. "She's mine, man-boobs. You got 'Sweaty' over there."

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