Chapter Nine: Love is an Open Door

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The long awaited chapter nine! I'm so soooo sorry for the wait! I lost my password for this account and barely been able to get into it, but, I'm back!
This chapter is about Jean and Marco, with a bit from Ymir's POV.

Jean's POV

"So, I'm gonna ask again, what movie do you want?" I asked Freckles, at the end of my rope.

"No, Jean, I feel bad! You choose!"

"God damn it." I mumbled to myself, clicking a random movie.

It just happened to be that EXTREMELY obnoxious movie by the name of Frozen.

Thanks luck.

Marco squealed, snatching the DVD.

"Oh, oh I love this movie, Jean!"

"Oh god."


We arrived home, the sun slowly setting. Marco popped in the movie, the microwave beeping in the kitchen.

"Popcorn's done!" I announced, running to get it as the TV flashed the Disney castle logo.

Marco grabbed a few sodas for us, plopping on the couch as I brought in the bowl of popcorn.

Marco pulled a handful out as soon as I sat, the movie already beginning.


Needless to say, the movie was stupid and cliche. But hey, that's Disney for ya.

Marco was pretty damn happy though, so I was okay. He finished off his soda, setting it on the table beside the couch.

I checked my phone as the credits rolled. Ymir had texted me.

Ymir: 'Hey, u and freckles wanna hang out at the studio? We r recording!'

I cringed at Ymir's text slang, and responded.

Jean: 'Sure, be there in 20.'

I stood and cleaned up the popcorn and soda, running it into the kitchen, as Marco followed.

"Hey, Jean, can I just say something crazy?" He started.

"What?" I thoughtlessly said back, obviously not catching on.

Then Marco went all out, singing.

All my life has been a series of doors in my face
And then suddenly I bump into you

"Oh god, Marco, please no-"

But with you

I've found my place

He took my hands, spinning me around like a dork.

And it's nothing like I've ever known before

"Marco please calm down we're gonna get complai-"


Marco screamed at the top of his lungs, then proceeded to laugh. Then he added quietly;

With you.

I couldn't help but laugh, grabbing Marco's shoulders.

"You're such a dork, dude." I sighed, blushing slightly.

"I'm your dork, though." Marco giggled, kissing my nose. I went cross eyed before turning red, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment. My phone went off again.

Ymir: 'where the hell are u guys??'

I put my phone away, grabbing me and Marco's coat as the freckled boy looked at me curiously. "Huh?"

"We're going to see Ymir, her and the band are recording tonight." I responded, Marco nodding and smiling.

"Oh, okay!"

Marco followed me, by my side. We finally bought a car, a junk one though. But hey, it worked, and that's all that we needed.

Marco got in the passenger seat, buckling up.

I usually drove; Marco was too scared.

He was so silly at times. But so cute.

I turned the key, the car starting. Let out a huge cloud of smoke, too.

I pulled out, and onto the street.

"So, are Ymir and the others working on a new album?" Marco asked, eyeing the streets.

"Well, yeah," I responded, turning to look at Marco.

"Jean! Look out!!"

I looked back at the road, a dog in the street.

I swerved quickly, and right into an oncoming truck.


Ymir's POV

Five months have gone by since my proposal to Christa, and we're were still in love as we were when we first met.

Christa had barely turned 16, and I was extremely anxious; I wanted to marry the angel right then.

But I had to wait. Just two more years.


Me and Christa walked up to the studio, as I sent Jean a text.

Ymir: 'Hey, u and freckles wanna hang out at the studio? We r recording!'

I knew my text slang annoyed the shit out of him, so I did it on purpose.

He responded positive.

Me and Christa entered to be greeted by the rest of the band, plus Hanji and that short angry looking guy that Petra hangs out with.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted, everyone waving and yelling back. Well, besides Annie. She's very quiet.

Hanji ran up to me and Christa, introducing Levi.

"Christa, I'd like you to meet Levi, a friend of mine."

Christa blushed, looking down. "H-Hello sir!"

Levi furrowed his brows, "You look like you're about to shit yourself."

Christa looked up in disbelief as Hanji shoved Levi away, laughing nervously.

"That was strange." Christa mumbled, laughing quietly.

"Yeah." I responded, taking Christa's hand.

Reiner and Bertl were drinking and flirting, Annie talking to Armin, who she probably invited over. Along with Jean's sworn enemy, Eren Jaeger. Oh, and his psycho sister, Mikasa.

The trio were usually hanging out, and some think Annie has a crush on Armin. But she's so quiet, who would know?

Me and Christa sat by Mikasa and Eren, who were fighting over Mikasa's scarf.

"Mikasa, it's not that cold!"

"Just wear it, you could get sick."

"Mikasa stoop!"

Christa jumped in. "Hey!" She said, cheerful as always.

I waved too, pulling my phone out. Jean still wasn't here.

I texted again, a little worried.

He never responded.


Thanks for reading, and I'll try to update every weekend!

And the song is, of course, Love is an Open Door from Frozen xD

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