Chapter Ten: Angel's Son

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[Prepare for the feels in this chapter ;-;]

Jean's POV

I awoke in the car. Glass was falling every few moments from the shattered window at my side, and I couldn't feel my leg. I pulled at my leg, but couldn't free it from under the steering wheel. I panicked, pulling at my seat belt, attempting to yank it off. As I did, I realized what had happened.


"Jean, look out!"



I had been hit by another car. Now, the passenger side of the car was smashed into a tree. The whole side opposite of mine was crushed.

Marco was in the passenger seat.

"M-Marco?" I called out to his form, bloodied and nearly crushed.

His eyes were barely open, as he opened his mouth to speak. Only blood came from his mouth. I screamed hoarsely, attempting to fish out my phone from my pockets.

I frantically called 911, as the phone clicked.

The woman on the line barely had spoken as I began to scream.

"Help me oh god help me my boyfriend he's dying we crashed I wasn't paying attention oh god help me help me please-"

The woman told me to calm down, saying she would send officers our way.

Marco's POV

I awoke to Jean's voice. Nor his usual, comforting tone, but, he was yelling. I was in pain. Immense pain. I couldn't feel nearly half out my body.

My eyes would only open so wide, as I took in my surroundings. The car was officially destroyed.

I opened my mouth to tell Jean I was okay, but I couldn't speak. Blood dripped from my lips as I parted them, so I kept them shut as Jean screamed.

He pulled out his phone as I dozed back off.

Ymir's POV

"God damn it Jean..." I mumbled, running to the hospital, Christa trailing behind me.

I got a call from Jean. He was screaming and crying, saying that he had crashed on the way over. He didn't know if Marco would make it.

Me and Christa hurriedly left after he called, rushing to the emergency room. Hopefully Jean and Marco would be there at the hospital already.

Me and her ran into the large building, heaving as we reached the main desk.

"How may I help you?" A tall blonde with a bit of facial hair asked, approaching them. His name tag read "Mike".

"Two friends of mine just got into a car accident; Jean Kirschtein and Marco Bodt?" Christa explained for me, the man frowning.

"Ah. Ymir and Christa, yes? Come with me."

We followed the man down the hall, being led into Jean's room. He was wide awake, screaming for Marco.

"No one can see the other boy right now, he's in critical condition."

And with that, the man was gone.

Jean looked to us, tears all over his face and wetting his shirt.

"Marco," He wept, covering his face, "It's all my fault!"

Christa ran to the bedside, taking one of Jean's hands. "Jean! Don't blame yourself! He'll be okay, it'll be okay! Just be brave." She reasoned with him, Jean sniffling.

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