Chapter 6: The Order of Merlin

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Harry waited impatiently as he felt eyes on him. He was used to it. He had been for the past three years. Even back further. He had been famous practically his whole life. 

Harry moved his leg eyeing the Wizard Magazine. 

"Mr. Potter?" 

A young witch stood next to him. Her lips were red and she was wearing a tight ponytail. 

Harry looked at her.

"The Minister is ready to see you" 

Finally. Harry smiled awkwardly. "Thank you"

Harry stepped into the Minister's office. It was very big. Fancy furniture with portraits of past ministers snoring on one wall. The window was betwitched to show whatever the Minister fancied. Today the city of London was beautifully seen. 

"Mr. Potter" Kingsley said "Nice to see you. Come in"

Harry sat down. Kingsley closing the door behind him.

"Sorry about that Harry" he smiled "I have to keep the formalities as a Minister, you will understand"

Harry smiled "No problem" 

"Can I offer you some tea? Coffee?"

"Nah, Kingsley, thank you. I'm fine" 

Kingsley smiled at him. He used that concerned glare Harry remembered he used when he was protecting him in Order missions. 

"So... How you'd been?"

"Fantastic, I reckon" Harry said awkwardly. 

"Well. It feels I haven't you seen you in ages, Harry" Kingsley said "My life has been crazy..." he smiled.

"How is work?" Harry asked "As Minister?"

"Pretty rough" Kingsley sank on his chair, he flicked his wand and Harry could see the tea pot flying to the air and serving a cup of tea. "Did you hear about the Twin Towers in New York?"

Harry had read about that terrible incident a week ago "Yeah I saw that"

"Well..." Kingsley sighed "Witches and Wizards went mad, claiming it was work of death eaters"

Harry went pale "Was it?"

"Oh no..." Kingsley said "It was a nasty incident. Many people died, wizards and muggles. But the attackers were only muggle terrorists"

Kingsley took a sip of tea that just flew towards him.

"I had to visit Azkaban. Make sure threathening death eaters hadn't scaped..." he sighed "People are going mental, Harry. They believe somehow He will come back. I mean He did it before. The whole word is scared..."

"But he is gone. He really is!" Harry protested. Was he? Harry made sure to destroy the horrocruxes. He was gone. Wasn't he?

"I know, but you know how the rumours fly... They say He was a Dark Wizard, that somehow he will be back. I have to assure them, He won't" 

"Bloody hell" Harry layed back. 

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. On brighter news..." Kingsley smiled "Guess what I just got?" 

"What?" Harry asked. 

Kingsley took something from his drawer. He put them on the desk. Chocolate Frog Cards. But Harry could see his face on them, and Hermione's and Ron's.

"No way!" Harry said grabbing them.

"They are recently printed out" Kingsley smiled. 

Harry could read:

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