Chapter 19: The right track

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AN: Mention of depression by the end

Hermione wanted so badly for everything to go back to normal. Well, her normal. After the incident with Mr. Spencer, he apologized several times but Hermione wasn't convinced he ment it. The work environment didn't feel safe anymore. Hermione flinched everytime Mr. Spencer came near her and honestly she couldn't enjoy it anymore, even though she used to love her job. 

After discussing it with Ron and Harry, Hermione decided it was not worth it continuing like that. It broke Hermione's heart though, this ment that her dream of being Minister of Magic was even harder now. But she wanted to be in peace again. 

So that morning she walked into The Ministry willing to quit. But before she could do so, she encounter Kingsley by her office. 

"Hermione, good morning" Kingsley smiled 

"Good morning Kingsley, or should I say Minister?" 

"Kingsley please" he said "Can you step into my office?" 

Shit. What could possibly happen now? Hermione thought perhaps the little fight between Ron and her boss, caused something bad. Perhaps Mr. Spencer complained about her. Perhaps she was in trouble. And not only her, but Harry, Ron and the rest of her friends. She followed Kingsley to his office.

"Is everything okay, Kingsley. With you I mean" Hermione asked closely following his steps. 

Kingsley turned around and smiled "Yeah, very busy but okay. You know how it is"

Hermione didn't know. But she wanted. One day perhaps. 

"Yeah I imagine"

"Hey... Can you convince Harry and Ron to work here? We missed them as aurors" 

Hermione sighed "Trust me Kingsley I've tried. They won't listen. Well at least Harry. Ron is very happy working with George" 

Kingsley smiled "Harry is a crack head isn't he?" he asked "I know that he would do anything for his friends. Just like James used to"

Hermione knew pretty well how stubborn Harry was. And she was worried about him. She knew the war and everything was even harder for Harry. He had scaped death so many times. He had lost so many people. And he felt guilty. Although he acted tough, like the everyone's hero and he was kind of loosing himself. 

"Harry would be a great auror" she said "Ron as well. But they don't like to be treated like royalty just because they saved everyone's butt, but because of their talent"

Kingsley giggled "I know. And trust me Hermione if I could change every brain in The Ministry, I would. But they must know that there's no turning back. You three specially will always been known for your actions during the war. Better use that on your advantage"

Hermione nodded. He was right. They could never change the fact that Harry was famous, therefore them as well. They couldn't change what they had done. They should be proud of it. Hermione as well. She was talented, and intelligent. She wouldn't let an asshole decide her future. Any of her friend's future.

"I'll try to talk to them. I promise" 

They arrived at Kingsley's office. Hogwarts castle was seen on the magic window. Hermione felt nostalgic. She missed that place so much. She looked around but for Hermione's surprise, they weren't alone. Mr. Spencer was there as well. Shit. 

"I don't understand Kingsley. What is he doing here?" 

Mr. Spencer sighed. 

And Kingsley kept smiling "Please Hermione, sit down" She did so

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