"As told by Angie"

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The woman who had become my undoing was sitting on my couch while I stared at her in complete awe. How did I get so lucky? I had only hoped to shape a mind but I ended up in love with someone who was out of my reach. There she sat watching her TV as if it was the most fascinating object in the room whereas she was the most fascinating thing to ever grace the planet and she landed right on my heart because the minute she walked into my office I knew that she would have a huge impact in my law abiding life but there was no anticipation of such supernatural connection.

“Why are you looking at me like that” she asked, I admired her strength but mostly I admired her nature because not only was she perfect, she is also the epitome of greatness even though she is always modest.

“Just thinking about how lucky I am” I confessed and she just nodded while looking at me like an insane woman.

She gently placed her head on my thighs and I slowly stroked her beautiful curly hair, she called it her pride and joy and I would study her when she was doing her weekly routines on both her beautiful hair and skin. She would play a few Nicki Minaj songs while detangling her hair like it was some sort of art and during all that her face is covered in some mask that she inherited from her father. She had told me that the only reason she was as beautiful as she is, it was all because of her caring father but I knew that she was born to be one of the most beautiful women to ever grace this undeserving planet.

Her mouth always breathed fire, a fire that could only affect me and she would still be the only one to put it out. Until I met her, I didn’t know what I was missing and I believed that perhaps I wasn’t meant for pure love but love that is forced and yet here I was completely smitten by a woman who is half my age and I loved each and every moment of it. She had managed to make me feel like I was young again and she had brought me the fountain of youth but my mind couldn’t stop reminding me that eventually I would have to leave her and that would break her therefore I asked the universe to spare me, I begged to stay for more than a century as I believed that maybe she would live for more than that. I see her floating in eternity without me regardless of my knowledge that no one can live for eternity.

The departure of Ruby left me feeling like I wasn’t good enough but Jane ensured that I couldn’t feel the gap, she had showed me more love than anticipated while ensuring that I never forget about my estranged daughter “She loves you” she would say as soon as she realised that my mood had shifted even if it is just a slight shift. I thought that perhaps my baggage was weighing on her but that thought faded when she assured me that she was my partner and my baggage was hers and her baggage belonged to me too and that made me realise that she loved me just as much as I loved her and our age difference didn’t even matter because our love filled in the gap.

“If you are thinking of how you can murder me then hard luck because your kisses are the only thing that could kill me” She joked. I had realised that she was in fact funny but only to and her best friend, Anna and I loved that I was privileged enough to even hear her joke.

“If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve fucked you to death” I said, I knew that she barely swore but she loved it when I did. I could see her face become as red as a tomato while a smirk forms on her beautiful face. How can someone be so beautiful? How can someone be the thief of my heart so suddenly?

“I’d love to see you try” she teased.

“Very sneaky Miss Day” I teased back.

“I bet you love it” she smirked and all my restraints fell on the hard floor and my body moved towards the cherub that sat beside me and I planted a soft kiss on her lips. A moan escaped her mouth while my pride jumped with joy, the affects that I had on this woman were remarkable, and with only the word “Cum” all the juices would flow as if I was the goddess of her womanhood.

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