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As soon I realised what had happened, my mind and everything became sober and I ended the call before she could answer but all I could think about was how stupid I was. The thoughts of my stupidity came to an end when she called me back. Shame became my best friend at that moment and as I stared at the time, 3:45, I realised that I had woken the poor woman from her beauty sleep and her peace. I contemplated answering the phone call as the sweat that was flowing from my nervousness started moving faster. If I don’t answer she would think that something is wrong with me and if I do answer she will most likely be mad at me for wasting her “precious time” but also if I don’t answer she will assume that maybe I butt dialled her in my sleep and yet if I answer and explain then she’ll understand but not entirely because I was still drunk and after that my mind was set, I will not answer the phone call.

“You are very smart” I said to the person in the mirror and put my phone on silent. I laid on the bed and waited for sleep to consume me but that was a struggle, I wanted to take my phone and maybe be on social media but I didn’t want to see the missed call left by Angie. The temptations of a missed call were worse than that of wine, I knew that if I continued to stare at her name I’d be tempted to call again. Drifted in to sleep I felt but I felt my stomach hurl up “Shit!” I exclaimed as I ran to my restroom but before I could reach the toilet my insides were already gushing out of my mouth, spreading all over my mat and some particles on my hair. All the energy that I had faded and I felt myself fall on the already dirty floor.

“Jane!” I heard someone say in my peaceful sleep “Jane!” they said again and this time they sounded so close “Jane” they said softly while leaving soft slaps on my face “Shit!” I heard them mutter but my eyes were too stubborn to open but soon that was fixed as I felt water all over my face.

“Angie” those were the only words I could utter as soon as I realised who was in my restroom, trying to wake me up. At first I assumed that I was dreaming because there is no way she could be here in the middle of the night. I watched as she helped me up and walked me to my bed, my arm on her shoulder while my weak feet dragged themselves to reduce the weight on her.

“I didn’t know you were this stupid” she said, I tried to see her expression but due to her height I couldn’t “I’m not stupid!” I exclaimed and she ignored me. We reached the bed and she gently laid my numb body on it, she gave me a glass of water and some pill for me to take.

“Why are you here?” I asked her while drinking the water she gave to me.

“You called me” she said annoyingly.

“Oh…” I chuckled “That was a mistake”


“Yes” I stupidly laughed but it wasn’t funny to Angie, she looked like a concerned parent.

“I can’t believe that you could do this to yourself” she said angrily

“I am an adult Angie, adults drink wine with friends at home”

“Adults don’t leave the door unlocked while drunk and adults drink responsibly” she semi yelled, revealing her intimidating side that I haven’t seen much of.

“Clearly I am a child then” I said angrily, I wasn’t angry at her but I was angry at the fact that she doesn’t think I am an adult just because I made one mistake.

“Clearly!” she said while putting me to bed and soon enough I drifted to sleep.

As I struggled to wake up, I felt like someone had placed a heavy rock on my head or someone was banging my head with some metal instrument and as I opened my eyes, the sun hit them as if it was purposely placed to hurt them and my body ached as if I was fighting someone the night before. An soon my mind started reminding me of the events that occurred, Anna getting me somewhat drunk, Me vividly dialling Angie and me dreaming about her. I didn’t remember much but I had a gut feeling that I might be in trouble and that was confirmed when I saw the time, 14:56. “Fuck!” I exclaimed, not only was I late for my session with Angie, I didn’t attend at all without an explanation. I searched for my cell phone an as soon as I found it, there were six missed calls from Angie but they were all before 4am which means that I actually called her in my drunk state. As I was getting off the bed, I realised that there was a glass of water and some Advil placed gently on my bed side table and I wondered if Anna had placed them before bed or I did knowing how I wasn’t the best person when it came to alcohol. I took the pill and chunked down the water and continued with my state of panic. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth while preparing the speech I’m going to make to Angie “Sorry I butt dialled you and I was sick to attend the session, I’m sorry I didn’t make it know…no, she’ll smell my bull shit” I continued to brush and another idea came to me “Hi Angie, I called you at night because I wanted to tell you that I was sick and when you didn’t pick up, I slept but my sickness got worse I’m so sorry I missed out meeting today” that is convincing enough, I thought to myself.

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