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“So he just threw the vase on the floor?” I asked

“Yes but the funny thing was that it didn’t even break” we both laughed

“Wait so he didn’t have the strength or was the vase too strong to break?” I asked

“No because when the wife grabbed it and threw it on the floor it broke” she laughed


“He was already angry but when the wife successfully did what he wanted to do he flipped and left her there, alone and pregnant” she said in disbelief

“All that because you couldn’t find the original Mariposa?” I asked

“Yes, people really go hard for their art”

“But that vase was close enough and in fact more beautiful than an original Mariposa” I said

“He didn’t see it that way, people value their houses based on the assets it possesses, that vase cost fifty percent less than the Mariposa so it degraded the house”  she explained

“Okay now he is going to spend more money because he broke that vase and still wants the Mariposa”

“Yes but he is wealthy so he doesn’t care”

“What about the wife?” I asked

“She is okay and she had a ball when her husband threw that fit” she chuckled

“Who knew that interior designing had so much drama?”

“It really does and it is worse when you deal with a bunch of spoilt rich people” my mother said.

“Would you have been anything else if it was off the table?” I asked

“I’d be a surgeon”

“Really?” I asked in disbelief

“Yes, medical school was my first option and I had gotten accepted at a few of them but as soon as I had problems with my family, I could no longer afford to actually attend so I took a cheaper second option” she said

“Do you still feel like you could go back?”

“I actually did go back when I started making money, I got my degree in medicine but I didn’t want to continue with it”

“Mom, are you serious?” I asked

“Yes, the certificate is somewhere in my office”

“How did I not know about this?” I asked

“Because it wasn’t important, when I was supposed to continue with my studies I realised that I was already a millionaire and I didn’t need to become a doctor”

“You know you can finish right?”

“Yes but I do not want to, I am at the age of retirement in fact with all of the money I already have, you don’t even have to work a day in your life” she said

“But it was your dream”

“Yes it was but as I grew up my dream was to ensure that you were well taken care off even after I was gone” she said

“Mom you did that and I appreciate it but maybe it is about time you focused on what you actually wanted for a long period of my life”

“I’ll consider it and thank you” she said while kissing my temple

For the past few weeks all I did was spend time with my mother and not worry about anything else, our relationship had evolved more than I had expected even thought I knew that she would be leaving me in two days to her retirement mansion in Canada. Tomorrow was the day of my graduation and in preparation, we had went shopping and spoke about my path after school and in all honesty she was convinced that I was ready to take over from her in the family business but I was a bit sceptical as the whole construction industry wasn’t really my forte.

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