Chapter One

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"I can't do this anymore, Hana," Daniel said softly, his head hanging low as if he regretted what he was about to say.

"We should break up," he stated.

"Okay," Hana replied tersely, standing up. "You could have done this over text. It would have been less embarrassing," she added, her tone monotone. "If you have nothing else to say, I'll be taking my leave."

And with that, she left. She walked away from her first love as if he were a stranger. Her eyes were devoid of emotions, cold as ice. Daniel sat there, shocked at what had just transpired. He watched her until she disappeared from sight, unable to wrap his head around her words. He had expected tears, pleading, anything but this cold dismissal.

Even after four years together, he realized he had never truly understood her.

Hana, on the other hand, had seen this coming for a month now, ever since Daniel started showing an unusual interest in flowers.

"Damn that flower-loving jerk!" Hana cursed under her breath, hands clenched at her sides. A tear managed to slip down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away.

Hana and Daniel had started dating four years ago when she moved to New York for her studies. Daniel had been captivated by her beauty, a fact that amused and frustrated her in equal measure. She was more than just her looks—she was smart, driven, and fiercely independent. But Daniel, like many others, had been mesmerized by her appearance.

Her curvaceous figure and striking features made heads turn wherever she went. She was ethereal, but she never let it get to her head. Hana knew the power of her beauty but refused to let it define her. Her modesty was both a shield and a personal choice, a reaction to losing her best friend five years ago due to her own naivety. Sana had been taken advantage of by a man who treated her poorly, and Hana had been blind to the signs until it was too late. It was a loss that had left Hana cold and wary, shaping her into the guarded person she was now.

As Hana walked towards the bus station, she berated herself for letting Daniel breach her defences so easily.

"Hana, wait!" Daniel's voice called out from behind her. He came running, panting to catch up. "How can you just leave like that?"

"Why? Did it bruise your ego?" Hana retorted, folding her arms across her chest.

"No!" Daniel exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. "Don't you want an explanation? Doesn't this bother you at all?" He seemed genuinely perplexed by her cold reaction.

"No," Hana replied simply, just as the bus pulled up to the stop. "Oh, and enjoy your time with your flowers, you jerk," she added, stepping onto the bus before Daniel could respond.

"That son of a... How could he do that to you?" Mal exclaimed, downing a shot at the bar.

"Relax, it doesn't matter. I guess we just weren't meant to be," Hana shrugged, gulping down the rest of her beer.

"How can you be so nonchalant about this?!" Mal demanded, her voice slightly slurred from the alcohol. "If I were you, I'd have chopped his—"

Hana laughed, cutting her off. She knew Malorie's temper all too well. "I know, Mal. But it's fine. He's not worth the trouble."

Hana had met Malorie at a self-defence class she found online. They had instantly clicked, despite their stark differences. Hana was calm and collected, preferring quiet evenings with a good book. Malorie, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of energy, always ready to party. But their shared passion for self-defence and fashion had cemented their friendship.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," Hana announced suddenly.

"What?" Mal's voice slurred slightly as the alcohol began to take effect.

"I'm going back to Korea," Hana explained.

"No!" Malorie whined, clinging to Hana as if her life depended on it. "What am I going to do without you?"

"You'll be fine," Hana assured her, returning the hug. "I need to clear my head before starting work at the clinic. And I can't do that with Daniel hanging around."

"Fine! I'll let you go, but only because I love you so much," Mal said dramatically, slumping back in her seat and reaching for another drink. "You deserve a break. But will you really find peace in Korea?"

Hana understood Mal's concern. Only Malorie knew about Sana's death. Daniel had never earned Hana's trust the way Malorie had. There was so much that Mal knew, and Daniel didn't.

"Yeah," Hana nodded firmly. "I'm not going back to our home. It doesn't feel like home without Sana, and I don't think I can handle Mom without Insoo," she chuckled softly, memories of her family warming her heart.

"Then where will you stay?" Mal asked, concerned.

"We have our family farmhouse in Busan. I'll stay there for a while," Hana replied.

"I don't care where I stay as long as I get to eat some good food," Mal joked.

"Korean food is to die for," Hana agreed, a smile playing on her lips. "Why can't we marry food? Boys are overrated anyway."

"My thoughts exactly," Mal laughed, raising her glass. "Cheers to that!"

"Auntie, I'm back!" Hana called out cheerfully as she entered the farmhouse. Mrs. Wang, the caretaker, emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

"You're back?" Mrs Wang exclaimed, her face lighting up. She enveloped Hana in a warm embrace. "My baby, let me take your bag to your room. Dinner's ready, so dig in."

Hana wasted no time heading to the dining table. Each bite of the homemade food was a nostalgic delight.

"I missed this," she sighed contentedly, finally relaxing on her bed. She hummed to herself, rubbing her satisfied belly. "Can't wait to do that again," she mumbled, before turning off the lights and drifting off to sleep.

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