Chapter Nine

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"I looked all over for you, Rem," Jungkook scolded his wolf as they emerged from the forest. Remi whimpered softly, rubbing his head against Jungkook's torso in apology.

"Oh, so now you're sorry?" Jungkook stopped and turned to face the adorable pup, who wagged his tail enthusiastically. Jungkook sighed, trying to maintain his stern demeanour. "Don't act cute. You left me alone with Father," he chided. "No hunting for you—for a month," he declared firmly. But as he looked into Remi's sad eyes, he relented slightly. "Okay, fine! A week," he conceded, earning a joyful wag from Remi. "Damn you and your puppy dog eyes," Jungkook muttered, shaking his head, before resuming their walk.

It was late, the time unknown. Jungkook and Remi strode through the streets as if they owned them, bathed in the serene light of the full moon. The rhythmic tapping of Jungkook's boots echoed in the quiet night air.

"Who treated your leg?" Jungkook asked Remi casually. Remi glanced up at him, letting out a bark that sounded remarkably like an answer. "Ah, got it," Jungkook chuckled, running his hand through Remi's thick fur.

Suddenly, Remi's ears perked up, his stance alert. Jungkook furrowed his brow, scanning their surroundings for any signs of trouble, but everything appeared calm. "Come on, buddy, there's nothing here," Jungkook reassured his wolf, about to reach out and pat him when Remi bolted towards an alleyway. "Rem! Where are you going?" Jungkook called after him, breaking into a run to catch up.

Remi came to an abrupt halt, growling low in his throat. "Remi, cut it out! You'll get us into trouble," Jungkook scolded softly as he reached his side. But Remi only growled louder, his body tense, clearly signalling danger ahead. "Remi, what's wrong?" Jungkook whispered, following his gaze.

At the far end of the alley, three men stood laughing, their voices carrying through the quiet night. Jungkook strained to hear their conversation and caught a crude remark directed at someone—a woman, by the sound of it. His heart skipped a beat when the realization struck.

"Hana!" Jungkook breathed, eyes widening in alarm. Remi continued to growl, waiting for Jungkook's command to attack. Anger surged through Jungkook as he saw her lying unconscious on the ground. "Get your hands off her!" he shouted, his voice low and menacing, a stark contrast to his usual calm demeanour.

"Hey, kid, just mind your own business," one of the men slurred, dismissive. "She's with us."

Jungkook's blood boiled, his fists clenching at his sides as he strode purposefully towards them. He stopped squarely in front of one of the men, his eyes flashing with barely restrained fury. The man faltered, fear creeping into his eyes. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Jungkook growled, his voice dark and dangerous.

"Hey, man, what's going on over there?" the man hovering over Hana asked nervously. Before he could react, Jungkook had him pinned against the wall.

"How dare you touch her?" Jungkook's voice was a low, ominous rumble as he glared into the man's eyes, a silent promise of retribution.

The man stuttered, fear palpable. "We were just—"

Jungkook cut him off with a swift, forceful shove that sent him crashing into his companions, knocking them off balance.

"Rem, take her and go," Jungkook commanded his wolf, his tone urgent yet protective. "I don't want her to see this," he added, locking eyes with the men who were now scrambling to their feet, fear etched on their faces.

As Remi gently lifted Hana onto his back, the men tried to flee but found themselves inexplicably rooted to the spot.

"What the hell?" one of them exclaimed in confusion, struggling in vain against some unseen force.

Jungkook turned towards Hana, cradling her gently in his arms. Blood matted her hair, staining his hands and fueling his anger further. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, concern etched into his features as he looked down at her unconscious form.

Barely able to keep her eyes open, Hana stirred faintly, her breathing shallow. Jungkook gently guided her onto Remi's back, stroking her hair back with a tenderness that contrasted sharply with his earlier fury. "Take her to Jin-hyung," he instructed Remi quietly. "He'll take care of her."

"Now, as for you," Jungkook turned back to the men, cracking his knuckles with a menacing grin. "You deserve to be punished, don't you?" he mused aloud, kneeling down to their level. They tried to scramble away, but an invisible force held them in place, their faces pale with terror.

Jungkook chuckled darkly, eyes glinting with something otherworldly. "You should learn not to pick fights with people like me," he murmured cryptically, his voice carrying an unsettling weight. His supernatural aura intensified subtly, a silent warning that they were in the presence of something beyond their understanding.

"Wh-what are you?" one of the men managed to stammer, his voice trembling.

Jungkook's smirk widened, his gaze flickering with an otherworldly gleam. "Just consider me your worst nightmare."

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