Chapter Eleven

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"OH MY GOD! Jungkook! What is that?" Hana screamed, leaping back in surprise as Remi approached her.

Jungkook nearly chuckled at her reaction, but seeing her genuine fear, he quickly composed himself. "Hana, calm down," he started, moving closer to her. "Remi is... special."

"A wolf?!" Hana exclaimed, still clinging to the balcony railing. "I can see that! But why is it changing size?" Her voice wavered with a mix of fear and disbelief.

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Okay, funny story," he began, trying to keep his tone light despite the seriousness of the situation. "Remi isn't just any wolf. He has the ability to adjust his size. It's... a long story."

"Change size?" Hana repeated incredulously, looking back at Remi who now sat wagging his tail innocently. She shook her head, trying to make sense of it all. "This can't be real. I must be hallucinating from hitting my head earlier."

Jungkook hesitated, feeling conflicted. He wanted to be honest with Hana, but revealing his supernatural reality was risky. "You're not hallucinating," he assured her, though guilt weighed on him for misleading her.

"I don't believe this," Hana muttered, turning away from Jungkook towards Remi. "He's just a regular puppy, right? You're just messing with me because of my head injury," she insisted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Relief washed over Jungkook momentarily, considering letting her believe that for now. "Yeah, you're right," he replied with a sheepish grin. "Sorry for scaring you like that. Reflex."

"Ugh, you're the worst," Hana groaned, clearly frustrated. "After everything tonight, I almost believed you!" Her tone was a mix of annoyance and lingering fear.

"I'm sorry, Hana," Jungkook apologized sincerely, his gaze softening as he noticed her distress. "Are you okay though? Let me check your head," he said gently, moving closer to inspect her injury.

Hana stiffened slightly as Jungkook touched her, his concern evident. She tried to ignore the flutter of nerves that his closeness provoked—a sensation she couldn't quite explain.

"You're good, thank God," Jungkook said softly after examining her. "Any other pains?"

"No, Jungkook, I'm fine," Hana reassured him, though she sensed his lingering worry. "So, is he friendly?" she asked, shifting the topic to distract both of them.

Jungkook nodded, grateful for the change in subject. "Yeah, Remi's very gentle," he confirmed, watching as Hana cautiously approached Remi. To his surprise, Remi immediately wagged his tail in delight, seemingly drawn to her warmth.

"Hey there, little guy," Hana cooed, her fear giving way to curiosity as she knelt down beside Remi. He nudged against her affectionately, earning a soft chuckle from her. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy watching Remi bask in Hana's attention. Childishly, he stuck his tongue out at the wolf, hoping to divert Hana's focus back to him.

"I think I heard Jin Hyung calling," Jungkook said suddenly, fabricating an excuse to draw Hana's attention away from Remi. "Let's go downstairs."

Hana looked up at Jungkook, a hint of reluctance to leave Remi evident in her eyes. "Okay," she agreed, gently scooping Remi into her arms as they headed downstairs together. "By the way, what's his name?" she asked curiously.

"Remi," Jungkook answered with a small smile.

"Remi?" Hana repeated, smiling fondly at the wolf in her arms. "That's adorable," she remarked.

Jungkook's smile widened at her reaction. "I'm glad you think so."

As they reached the ground floor, Hana continued her line of questioning. "How old is he?" she asked, inspecting Remi's teeth as she held him.

Jungkook hesitated briefly, unsure how to answer. "Uh, about two months," he replied vaguely, knowing full well Remi was much older but not wanting to reveal too much.

"Yeah? He's still so tiny," Hana observed with a soft smile, her concern for Remi's well-being evident. "How did you come across him?"

"I found him in the forest," Jungkook began, deciding on a half-truth. "He was alone and scared, attacked me on sight," he chuckled, reminiscing. "Saved his life, and we've been inseparable ever since."

"Was he injured when you found him?" Hana asked, her concern shifting to the wolf now resting in her arms.

Jungkook glanced at Hana, feeling a pang of guilt for lying. "Ah, that? No, he... fell down some stairs," he improvised quickly.

"You should take him to a vet," Hana suggested, frowning slightly at Remi's bandaged leg. "This bandage doesn't look very professional."

"I did," Jungkook lied again, his nerves beginning to fray under Hana's scrutiny.

"Really?" Hana looked genuinely surprised. "But this doesn't look like a vet's work."

Jungkook gulped nervously, searching for an excuse. "I... did what I could," he muttered, feeling the weight of his deception.

Hana shrugged, sensing his discomfort. "I guess you did your best. Sorry for bombarding you with questions. I just really love animals," she explained, her voice softening.

"It's okay," Jungkook replied, relieved by her understanding. "You can ask me anything."

Something shifted inside Hana at his words, a mix of curiosity and a strange flutter of emotions she couldn't quite place.

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