Chapter Seven

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"Mom, can't I just stay home today?" I ask looking at her with a pouty face. "Honey, you know that I wish for all of this to stop, but I can't let you stay home. School is important." I sigh knowing she's right. "C'mon it's friday it's gonna be okay." I just shrug my shoulders and grab my bag. "Bye mom." "Goodluck, honey."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I open my locker. I can hear his voice getting louder and louder until I feel him standing next to me. "What's up loser?" I turn around and see him leaning against the locker next to me. His hands tucked into his pockets, a smirk plastered on his face. "Hey." he says again. Completely ignoring him, I turn around and start making my way to class. I hear his footsteps following me. "I'm talking to you, don't you dare ignore me, Garcia." he says using his hand to hold me against the wall. "Yo-you're hurting me." the rage in his eyes is scaring me. "Does it look like I care?" he doesn't give me a chance to answer. "I've been nice to you uptil now, don't make me change my mind. Got it?" "Ye-ess." "Good." he says letting go of me. "Now go to class, we don't want to ruin your perfect attendance record huh." he scoffs and starts walking the other way.

I feel my throat throbbing, that's for sure gonna leave a handmark. I honestly don't know what I ever did to him to deserve this. I make my way to English class, lucky me he's not here. After lunch it's time for Math, sadly he's in this class too. Fifteen minutes later someone comes barching in. "Mr-" she doesn't even get to finish her sentence. "I know, I know i'm late and I could care less. Where can I sit?" she shakes her head pointing to the seat next to me. Can this day get any worse? "There's a free spot next to Mrs. Garcia." he slams his bag onto the table next to me. "We meet again, weirdo." he says grinning at me nudging my shoulder. I stay still not wanting to cause any trouble. He's surpisingly silent during the rest of the lesson.

After my last period, I sprint out of class to get to my locker. Why? To make sure he won't find me. My locker slams shut on my fingers causing me to scream out in pain. "What's wrong with you?" he seems almost shocked by my question. "Me? What's wrong with me, you should ask yourself." the rage that has been building up for years seems to explode and makes it's way out of my body. "Yes you, what did I ever do to you?" "Existing." alright not gonna lie that one hurt. I scoff and turn the other way. "You're so pathetic, you know." he says blocking my way. "There's no way you're ever gonna make your dreams come true and get the job you want. You wanna know why? Because you're not talented Chloe, you can't even sing or act." tears are blurring my view. "Just shut up Charlie, please." I say and run away.

End of flashback

"It's you." I say, tears streaming down my face. I'm at a loss for words, I thought I never had to see him again. Now he's here standing in front of me, years later. The one who made me doubt myself, caused me to lose my confidence. "Chloe, I-." I point my finger at him. "Charlie, don't even dare talk to me right now." I demand with a shaky voice. "I-I'm sorry Kenny, but I think i'm gonna call it a day for now." he nods his head. "It's okay, i'll call an uber for you. Promise me one thing, explain to me what's going on here tomorrow, okay?" i respond with a slight nod. Meanwhile Charlie still stands there, who's the loser now huh. He actually thought getting me a job would make me forgive him?

"The uber's here in 10." I thank him and make my way outside. I try to steady my breathing, never in a million years did I expect to face him again. "Hey uhm Chloe-." he says tapping my shoulder. "Charlie please stay the fuck away from me." I say not turning around. "I-I'm sorry, for everything." "Just leave me alone, before I get someone to make you leave." I hear his footsteps slowly fading away.


Chapter 7!! Well uhm there's Charlie haha, just not the way you'd probably expect him to be ahah

I hope you'll enjoy the story!!~ Britt💕

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