Ralph Macchio

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    "Y/n wake up!" I hear a voice whisper. I groan and turn away from the sound. "Y/n!" It says again, but this time louder and followed by an aggressive pillow to my face.
    "What?" I asked. I squinted my eyes open to see a heavily bundled Ralph who was soaked from mitten to boot.
   "It's snowing! It's snowing!" He cheered.
   "We should go play in it!"
   "Play? Ralph were 22 years old!" I chuckled.
   "So? This is our first chance to play in the snow together! We can make a snowman!" He gave me a big grin and I couldn't help but give in to that sweet, rosy face.
   "Fine," I said and got up from the bed. Ralph cheered and ran next to the fire to dry off before heading back outside. I walked to my closet and slowly put on my coat, mittens, hat, and boots. I hated the cold but I hated seeing Ralph sad more. I walked back to the den. "I'm ready."
   "Great! You look cute," I looked at my reflection in the TV and I looked like the Marshmallow man. Ralph went back to the front door and ran outside to the thick blanket of snow. I followed and looked around. Everything was white and covered in frost. I loved how each individual tree branch or blade of grass was covered in ice, creating little icicles. I even noticed Ralph's footprints scattered about the ground, already being filled up by the new snow falling from the sky. I looked over at Ralph who was standing next to another set of footprints.
    "Come look!" He said. I walked over to him and saw a little snow heart made with messy footprints.
   "Aw I love you too!" I said.
   "How much?" He asked. I smirked.
   "This much," I quickly grabbed a handful of snow and formed it into a ball. I then chucked it at his face. He gasped and with his jaw still open he wiped the snow from his eyes. I cackled to the point it echoed in the air. I was interrupted though by a clump of snow hitting my face. "Oh this isn't over!" I screamed. Ralph and I ran separate directions, I hid behind a bush and he hid behind a tree. We were both making a collection of snowballs to throw at each other. I gently stuffed two of mine in my jacket pockets in case I had to abandon ship. I set five more behind the bush and had a sixth one in my hand ready to fire.
    "Let the war begin!" I heard him yell from the distance, followed by a snowball hitting the bush, causing it to rustle. I ducked and threw the snowball without aiming. I watched it pathetically hit the ground. "That all you got?" Ralph cackled.
    "No!" I took advantage of his distraction and chucked a snowball at his chest, hitting him. I laughed. "Y/n one, Ralph zero!" I cackled more as I watched him hide behind his tree and frantically make more snowballs. I continued to do the same and took it upon myself to attack him by surprise. With my hands clutching the snowballs in my pockets I quietly walked the other direction to where Ralph couldn't see me. My eyes glued to the tree I made my way closer to his fort, I wanted to wait till he realized I was gone.
     Finally he stopped playing with the snow and looked over at the bush. His eyes widened as he saw I wasn't there, then I chucked a snowball at his back, causing him to fall.
    "That's two!" I bragged. He got up and chased after me. I screamed and ran towards my fort to get more snowballs. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me around my waist and pushed me to the ground.
    "Gotcha!" Ralph screamed. We were both rolling around in the snow as we playfully. fought each other. I kept grabbing snow and shoving it his face and tried doing the same to me. Finally we both got exhausted and laid on the ground next to each other panting.
    "That was fun!" I said.
    "I know! Can't wait till it snows more!"
    "Are you still up to making a snowman?" I asked. He looked up at the sky like he was thinking and smiled.
    "Of course I am," he stood up and reached out his hand to help me off the ground. Together we continued to roll up giant boulders of snow and put them on top of each other, occasionally patching up a few spots to help support it. I went inside for supplies and brought out a hat, scarf, and gloves. And for the face I got some gumdrops. I went back outside and found that Ralph had already put sticks for the arms and nose, and rocks for eyes and buttons. I gave him the candy and he formed a cute, sweet smile for our creation. Then I dressed the snowman. We stood back and admired what we made.
    "Looks pretty good for our first try!" I said.
    "I think so too!"

    It was a few hours after our fun in the snow and we had decided to go inside to get warm. The sun was going down and we sat together on the couch drinking hot chocolate and watching a movie on the TV. We could even see our snowman from the window! I cuddled myself into Ralph's arms and fell asleep to the sound of the crackling fireplace.

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