Ralph Macchio

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     It was around 8-o-clock and the sky had started to get dark. Since I live in the city I saw no need for a car and was walking myself home from work. Today had been exhausting though and my feet were becoming blistered in my tight shoes. I felt exhausted and gross, I couldn't wait to be home and lay in my comfy bed.

     I finally made it home and walked into my apartment to see my boyfriend, Ralph, standing at the door as if he was waiting for me.
    "Hi baby," he said.
    "How was work?" He took my coat from my arms and set it down on a hook.
     "Tiring than usual. I'm ready for bed already."
      "Too tiring for some dinner?" He asked, he grabbed my waist and led me to the living room where we sat down and cuddled on the couch.
      "What do we have?" I asked. Ralph chuckled.
      "No I meant out to a restaurant!"
      "A restaurant? Honey it's late and I feel so gross. Not only that but I'm tired. Maybe another night, like tomorrow! I don't have work then!"
      "I know but I was hoping it could be today because today is special!" I looked up at him confused, my jaw dropped as I remembered the date.
       "Oh my god!" I gasped, "today's the two year anniversary since we first met!" We smiled at each other and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I know it seemed pretty cheesy to be excited about something like when we first met, but Ralph and I love each other so much, we celebrate pretty much everything. I let go of him and looked at him. "I'm sorry I forgot. I wish I could've taken off so we could be together all day. Like how things were back then." I set my head on his shoulder and he stroked my hair. I closed my eyes and smiled as I remembered when we met.
     It was my first year of college and I had entered my theatre class as nervous as ever. I was a nervous wreck and very shy back then. I had chosen the class because I do appreciate the arts but it took a little longer for me to get out of my shell. I was sitting in a chair looking over my schedule when I heard the door open and I saw the most beautiful man in the entire world. He noticed me right away too and I bashfully looked away, hoping he didn't notice me staring. Fortunately he did though and sat next to me for the rest of class. The rest of history.
Ralph stood up from the couch and got behind me and began to rub my shoulders. He bent down and kissed at my cheek and neck.
"Come on," He said, "you can shower, do your hair, put on a nice outfit and get all pretty. My treat!" I giggled at the feel of his face against my skin.
"Alright I'll go!" I said. Ralph cheered.
"Take all the time you need!" I stood up and headed for the shower.

After an hour or two of showering and preparing for our date I finally opened the bedroom door to reveal my done-up self. Ralph's eyes widened.
"Y/n," he said almost breathlessly, "you look amazing." He smiled and hugged me. He was also dressed nice and smelled like hair gel and cologne. "Ready to go?"
"You bet!" Ralph grabbed the car keys and we headed out to the restaurant.

"Reservation for Ralph and Y/n please!" Ralph said when we entered the diner. The waiter nodded and led us to a booth. It was very nice, the table was shiny and it had those fancy cloth napkins! The seats were cozy too and were a nice, deep red color. There were wine glasses already on the table along with a candle in the center of the table.
"Wow Ralph how'd you make a reservation this quickly?" I asked, sliding into my side of the table.
"I actually made it yesterday and prayed to god you were willing to come. Guess I should've asked first, but I wanted to surprise you."
"It's alright," I laughed, "it's very sweet!"
"Anything to drink for you two?" The waiter asked.
"Wine sounds good," Ralph said. He looked at me and I nodded in approval. The waiter walked away.
"Thank you for all this, Ralph, I really wish I could've done something special for you! I feel bad for forgetting." He grabbed my hand from across the table.
"I don't need any special gift, all I need is right in front of me," he stoked my hand with his thumb. I blushed and smiled at him. The waiter came back shortly and poured some wine into our glasses.
"Have you decided on what to eat?" He asked.
"I have," I said.
"Same here!" Ralph let me order first then told the waiter his order. After a few seconds of scribbling in his note bad the waiter took our menus and walked off once again.
For the next fifteen minutes or so Ralph and I reminisced on our childhoods and time we had together. We remembered going to beaches and various other adventures as his acting career grew. While talking it really made me realize how lucky I was to have him in my life, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and I was positive he felt the same for me.
Finally our food came and I tried my best to not scarf the food down yet I still finished before he did.
"Haven't eaten all day, work really gives you an appetite," I laughed. We continued to talk a bit more and as time went on I realized Ralph was becoming more tense and a bit nervous. "Are you okay?" I asked him.
"I'm great, really," he sipped his wine some more. I shoved it off and we continued to talk.

Finally my body was giving in to my full stomach and became more tired, yet I didn't want the night to end.
"I think I'm ready to head home Ralphie," I yawned. "Thank you for everything! Tonight was wonderful!"
"It's only just begun too," he said quickly.
"Huh?" Ralph took both my hands this time and looked at me.
"Y/n, you make me the happiest man alive. I could never have asked for a better partner. I love everything about you, your laugh, your eyes, your sweetness. I could go on and on forever. But-" he paused and got out of his chair. With one of his hands in his pockets he got on one knee and asked nervously, "will you marry me?" He pulled out a box which presented a glistening, diamond ring inside. I gasped and held my hand to my heart. I looked around and noticed other people looking at us and smiling. With tears in my eyes I obviously said-
"YES!" I leaped out of my seat and hugged him and cried happy tears into his shoulder. The people in the restaurant clapped and cheered for us. Ralph put the ring on my left ring finger and held my hands again.
"We're gonna get married!" He cheered, followed by more applause. I couldn't have been happier.
AAAHHHHH!!! Writing this chapter had me 🥺💞🤲💞💛🌸💞☺️

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