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Requested by Exquisitexclipsxx

Chris's POV

"Chris? Chris!" I jumped as I came back to reality. I looked up from my desk to see a tall, frustrated professor hovering over me.
"Oh, uh, sir?"
"It's your turn up on the stage! Hope you practiced enough," he raised an eyebrow at me. I stood up immediately from my chair and cleared my throat.
"Of course, sorry," I quickly ran onto the stage and turned away from the small audience to clear my mind and get rid of the redness on my cheeks.
"And.. action!" I faced the crowd and began to recite the first line of the play we had been practicing. It was actually a play written by one of the students, we all thought it was really good but I felt bad for Jake because he submitted a play he had written too. I always ignored the situation though whenever he asked because to say he needed a bit more experience with writing would be an understatement, but I guess we're all just starting at this point.
   My rehearsal was going smoothly so far until I looked down at the crowd and caught a glance at y/n. Beautiful y/n. I've liked her as long as I can remember, as soon as she walked through the door I knew she was the one. I was completely captivated by her, like it was like a feeling I've never had for anyone.
    As I caught her eye I suddenly felt myself freeze up on the stage.
"Uh, the uh-" I balled my hands up into fists out of nervousness and looked over at Jake who nodded to let me keep going.
"Stop, stop, stop!" The professor shouted. "Chris, take some more time to memorize your lines and we'll start again tomorrow."
    "But I can start over really I just-"
    "We don't have time, next!" I nodded and sulked my way off stage, as I did so I looked back over at y/n who had a slight smile on her face and had reached behind her to talk to her friend. Oh no, what if she's making fun of me? My cheeks burned again and I slid down in my chair.
"It's alright Chrissy," Jake said putting a hand on my shoulder, "you'll get'em next time."
"Yeah if I don't embarrass myself I front of y/n again I'll be fine." I scoffed.
"Listen man why don't you just go up and talk to her? It can't be that scary." I turned in my chair with a confused look.
"Are you serious? Talk to y/n? I couldn't, she probably thinks I'm some idiot the way I froze up up there."
"Probably not, stage fright happens sometimes."
"Jake she was literally smiling and laughing."
"Maybe she thinks you're cute!" He gave me a sly smile, I punched his shoulder.
"Shut up!"
"Alright up next we have... y/n!" Jake and I immediately turned our attention back to the class. I scoot forward in my chair a bit to get a better view. God she looked so gorgeous in the warm light, her shiny hair and sparkling eyes. She, too, took a deep breath and closed her eyes before speaking. Finally, her script was recited perfectly in front of the class, emotions top notch with every word spoken. How could someone be so perfect?
    It was over quickly as she had obviously studied a lot more than I had. The class applauded as she smiled and bowed.
    "That was wonderful y/n! See, that's how you do it!" The professor cheered, his claps echoed loudly throughout the room.
    "Thank you," she said bashfully.

   The bell rang and Jake and I were gathering up our things to head back to our apartment that we shared. I was hesitant to even leave the room though, what Jake had said was stuck in my mind all period. Maybe I should go talk to her before it's too late. A girl extraordinary like that isn't bound to stay single for long. I have to make a move.
    "Chris?" Jake asked.
    "Go on without me, I have some stuff to talk about with the professor."
    "Oh," he gave me a weird look, "alright. Later." I nodded and pretended to mess with my script till I heard the door close as he left, luckily y/n had stayed behind too. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I slowly made my way over. Her laugh was such a delight to hear, and her voice. Her sweet voice.
     "Y/n?" I muttered. She turned and smiled at me.
    "Hey Chris, what's up?" I felt myself go frozen again as I looked at her more. Why was this so hard? If I can, sort of, perform in front of a crowd why can't I talk to one person that I like?
    "So," I stuttered, "you did a really great job up there! You're amazing at acting really."
    "Aw thank you! I thought you did pretty good too!" I raised my eyebrows at this. She complimented me! What if it's a lie though? I completely lost myself up there looking at the crowd of people I see pretty much everyday.
    "Oh it was nothing really, I mean I didn't do that great during the last part."
   "I've seen you act perfectly before though, I think you have a lot of potential!" She put a hand on my shoulder and I felt as if I could pass out. The timing was perfect I had to ask now.
    "So I was wondering if you'd like to hang out some time," I blurted out. I noticed the way her eyebrows shot up and she backed away slightly, but got close again.
    "Oh, really?" Her voice sounded a bit breathless.
    "Yeah, really. I've wanted to ask you for a while now." It got quiet between us as she continued to look at me with the same surprised look. I sighed and held my books closer to my side.
    "It's okay if you don't want to, I'll just go-"
    "No wait!" She cried, then gripped onto my wrist. I paused and looked back at her, she quickly let go. "I'd love to." She said quietly. I couldn't help but let a huge grin appear on my face.
    "Great! What about Saturday?"
    "Sounds like a plan! Hey, I actually have another class after this one, would you like to walk me?"
    "You don't even have to ask," I grabbed her book bag and flung it over my shoulder as we made our way out of the theatre room.
Sorry if this one isn't very good, it feels a bit short but I'll write about Chris again soon! xx

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