𝐨𝟐𝟖. 𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜.

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Your public relations manager has certainly done a good job, seeing as no one at school was whispering behind your back upon your return

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Your public relations manager has certainly done a good job, seeing as no one at school was whispering behind your back upon your return.

The walk through the gates wasn't as taxing as you assumed it to be, and it seemed that everyone was minding their business. Which was a new thing, nobody ever really does that nowadays.

As you took your seat in class, the usual gazes of admiration was sent towards your direction, giving you that boost of confidence you needed. Etsuko and Chiho notices your sudden presence, rushing to you with pure excitement. A smile reaches onto your face.

"Huh? Saito-san, you're smiling?" Chiho asks, Etsuko nudging her in the ribs after the rude question. You chuckle, shaking your head and rubbing the back of your head.

"Um...I guess I just feel like being a nice person today." They both blink, looking at each other before taking a look at you again.

"That's great Saito-san! It's great that you are finally showing everyone your gorgeous smile!" Etsuko nods excitedly as she jumped in her spot.

Throughout the beginning period before class began, Chiho and Etsuko's laughter never faltered. You tried to keep up with their jokes, but found yourself to grow quiet once the two began to get more into the conversation.

'This is fine.'  Reassuring yourself that your silence didn't affect the two girls since they were normally the two who kept the moment alive.

You never had friends like this in Tokyo. Their words, smiles, and the whole friendship itself felt genuine. Back in Nekoma, the only real friends you considered were the boys from the volleyball team. It was nice to finally have a few people you can trust.

"Tsukishima-san has been acting awfully weird though." This caught your attention.

"What do you mean?" You ask, causing Etsuko to turn your way. She rubs her chin in speculation, squinting her eyes as if she was racking her brain for the right answer.

"He's been upset. Like a huge rain cloud has been over his head, ever since the video of you and him got- ow!" Chiho whines, rubbing her forearm that was aggressively punched by Etsuko. You sigh, feeling deep remorse for the way you affected Tsukishima.

'It's been awhile since I've talked to him. Maybe I should apologize.' 

"You know, your whole friendship is kinda toxic." Etsuko chuckles, rubbing her neck out of nervousness. Your head turns to her direction, confusion filling your mind.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you guys are always rude to each other. And one moment, you guys flirt with each other, and convince the most of us that you're damn near in love with each other.

And then all of a sudden, something happens and you guys just stop talking to each other. Then the cycle happens all over again."

The realization sets in.

The toxicity that set in between the both of you was so obvious, but somehow, the both of you couldn't see it. From the time you met him, it seemed that he hated you from the start. His attitude was always on and off, but so was yours.

You don't know what to do, and you always knew what to do. It pisses you off.

"Um —"

"Ah! Saito-san! I'm sorry for butting into your business!" Etsuko clasps her hands together, bowing down repeatedly. Your hands land on her arms.

"No, no, Etsuko-san, thank you. I'm happy that you at least told me instead of keeping it to yourself."

As soon as you were finished reassuring Etsuko, the home room teacher walks into the class, resulting with the whole class standing up to greet her. Your two friends rush to their seats, standing behind their desks.

"Okay class, I'll just be doing the register before we get started. Oh Chiho?" The teacher's voice droned on, causing you to turn your head and face the window.

"Tsukishima Kei?" At the sound of his name, your head turns but fails to meet his familiar gaze. "Tsukishima Kei? Is he not here today?"

And as if on cue, Tsukishima rushes inside, resulting in the silence of the classroom.

Tsukishima didn't look different, he still had his headphones around his neck, the same scowl on his face...but for some reason, he was...different.

There were dark eyebags under his eyes, darker than usual. His hair was messy as if he just hopped out of bed. His uniform was a bit crumpled, which was where you knew there was something wrong. Tsukishima was a neat person, he never had his uniform a crumpled mess.

"Good morning." He groans, walking to his seat behind you. Tsukishima seemed to tune out the teacher calling him back to the front, his eyes spacing out into space as they only had one goal to get to his seat. But, his goal got lost in his mind as he met your gaze.

He stops in his tracks, seemingly surprised that you were even sitting there in front of him. You clear your throat, feeling the slightest bit awkward with him just standing there.

A small smile grows onto your face. He stood back shocked, rushing to his seat before anything else.

Your eyes twitch.

The situation was bad. You needed to fix it before it go too bad.

But how can you fix the situation? Your relationship already seems to be on the rocks, so what more can you do?

'Cut it off.'  No! How can your mind even come up with such a conclusion?

But, if you really did think about it, there are more pros than cons to cutting off the ties you had with him.

Pros: you could finally work on yourself, find out who you are and focus on yourself. Cons: lose Tsukishima.

The con seems to heavily outweigh the pros.

But what is more important? You or Tsukishima?

'Me or Tsukishima?'

'Me or Tsukishima?'

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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐓. 𝐊𝐞𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now