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"We will try our best, Saito-san. I assure you that this will all blow over by the end of the week."
"Yes Kano-san, thank you for your advice. Goodbye now." You put down the phone back onto the receiver, sighing as your hand brushes through the fallen hair strands.
Thank God the call was from the family's publicist, you really had no idea what to say to your father or mother if either of them were on the other side of the phone.
But still, it hurt you a bit. The fact that they didn't really show enough care and just put you into the hands of the publicist. Do they care if you were hurting or not, or did they just expect it out of you?
'Have I gotten so bad that they just expect me to slap someone in the face?'
"Saito-san." Turning your head, you catch Fukuda leaning against the doorframe, wrinkles etching onto her facial features. You feel a pit of worry.
Fukuda has known Tsukishima way longer than she has known you, so is she upset at you hurting him?
It wouldn't be anything new. It seems like the whole of Japan is turning against you anyway.
"I am aware Tsukishima-kun has a fiery mouth, both of you do. But —"
"If you are going to blame me Fukuda-san, please don't complete your sentence. I already know that I was at fault for slapping Tsukishima, it was my actions therefore I should take full responsibility for it." Fukuda took a couple of steps closer to you, but your eyes remained close and failed to see the guilty look in the older woman's eyes.
"Saito-san, I don't —"
"Fukuda-san. Please. You're probably going to defend —"
"Saito-san. Listen to me." Her words held back your retorts, urging you to turn around and face her. The short woman exhaled, raising her hands to hold your own. Your uneasiness arose, since the consent for touch wasn't present. Immediately recognizing your reaction, she let go and instead resorted to putting her hands on your shoulders.
"Tsukishima has a fiery mouth and sometimes has no control over what he says. He picks and chooses in his head, but it doesn't leave his mouth right. That's something you must understand."
"But Saito-san, Tsukishima makes mistakes. And he learns, then grows. As should you dear. You make mistakes. Far too many, but you are human. Humans sometimes do stupid things, but we also evolve."
"Don't bring yourself down Y/N, just because of something you didn't intend to do. And if you did, there might be some good or bad reasons behind your actions. However, I've known you for a bit Y/N-chan, and I have a feeling you did it for a justifiable reason."
Tears started to stream down your face, the words of Tsukishima fluttering back into your head.
"Did he say something really bad to make you cry this much?" You nodded slowly. Her lips formed into a straight line, wiping the tears away from your face. "How about I take you somewhere? Hm? Would you like that?"