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"I am so excited to watch our old teammates play! In the major league too, wow, I'm really not surprised that they have come this far." Yamaguchi smiles at the huge gym they just walked into, looking at all the fixtures and merchandise stands, all objects reminding him of the days he used to play the sport.
It was unbelievable for him that he was going to watch his high school friends play, though some aspects were depressing for the freckled boy. When he was in high school, he dreamed of being in a team Hinata and Kageyama were playing in right now. It was one of his goals, but by the time he was a third-year, he had come to terms that playing in the major league, was only something that would stay in the clouds.
"God Yamaguchi, you just got so depressed. Besides, at the end of the day, you just have to remember that they are still the idiots we played with not too long ago."
"What, it's true is it not?" The blond looks around, seeing the various shirts, posters, air fans, and much more, that the faces of his high school classmates were plastered onto. He couldn't believe that the faces of dumbasses were being gushed over by high school girls.
Tsukishima was a part of a volleyball team, but it wasn't anything like this one. A small part of him was jealous over the fame those idiots were getting, however, at the end of the day, he knew that he would much prefer being lowkey. It was better than his face being put everywhere for the world's eyes to see. But there were positives to having your features presented to randoms, it increases the chances of you seeing his face.
He hasn't seen you since that day you got onto the bus. Yes, the both of you have been speaking to each other on the phone over the years, but of course, with school, work, and general social life outside of technology, simple things like a 'hello', or, 'good morning', was soon forgotten.
It's not like he forgot about you though.
Your face, voice, and ass of a personality never left his mind. Your hands and the feeling of them around him in the action of a hug still brought shivers down his spine. Saito Y/N is not someone that you can easily forget.
"Tsuki! We have to get our seats! The lines are beginning to get long." Yamaguchi tugs his best friend back into reality, pointing to the doors that were beginning to pile with people. Tsukishima sighs frustratingly, he really didn't want to stand in the herd and get pushed around.
"You go first Yamaguchi. I don't want to deal with that crowd now. But I did see Yachi go on, so you can stand with her I guess."
"Are you sure?" the blond nods his head slightly, "well...okay then. But you better not leave!" The freckled individual jogs away from him waving goodbye, trailing to the crowd looking for the short ex-manager from their high-school days.