No Signal

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Anne, Sprig, and I were relaxing outside one day, well, Anne was actually complaining. "My phone gets no signal here, I can't order pizza, or like, call home, or whatever!" Anne cried. "I wish I could help, but we're in the exact same boat here." I said. "Maybe if we had a bigger antenna." Anne added. "Guys, I think I have just what you're looking for!" Sprig exclaimed. "Please hold my swamp slushy, thank you." "Man, that Sprig, good dude." I commented after he left. There was an awkward silence between me and Anne for a few seconds. "Wait, I know where this is going." Anne panicked as Sprig came back with a giant bug with an antenna. "WRONG ANTENNA, WRONG ANTENNA!" We screamed. "Did I do good, guys?" Sprig asked as we continued to run in fear.

Anne and Rowena: Teen Girls in a Frog WorldWhere stories live. Discover now