Meet Rosalina: An Original Oneshot

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I set up my camera on my tripod that Dad bought me a while ago. "Heyo, people of the internet." I say to the camera. "Sorry for the hiatus, I've been dealing with some family issues. And welcome to those of you who are new to my channel. In today's video, I'm gonna be telling you about myself."


"First off, a fun fact about me is that I was born with heterochromia, which basically means I have two different colored eyes. I find it pretty cool." I explained. "Hey, sis, what's going on?" Rowena, my sister asked. "Hey Row, I'm just vlogging for my channel." I greeted. "This is my baby sister, and best friend, Rowena. Tell the people about yourself." "Hey guys, I'm Rowena, I enjoy writing and drawing, eating pasta and or sandwiches, and I'm 100% gay." Rowena introduced as our dog, Thor, walks in to cuddle with her. "Hey, buddy. Look out, Thor, here comes the thunder." Rowena began tickling Thor, who just was acting adorable. "We can't forget about Thor, our dad brought him home as a surprise for both of us. He's just a little sweetie."


"Another fun fact about me is my love of photography, I've been taking photos ever since I was little, I even took my own homecoming photos." I explained. "This past summer, a friend of mine taught me how to scrapbook my photos. I used to take pictures of my mom before she passed away. She's inspired me and my sister throughout our lives."


"One more thing you should know about myself, I can be kinda hot headed, when it comes to certain people. Whether it's cranky bus drivers, bird poop, or even the rotten cabbages and eggplants in our neighbor's garden." I said. "But most of the time, I'm pretty chill. Sorry for the short video, I'm basically just telling you guys that I'm not dead and you can expect more videos coming soon. This is Rosalina Warbler, signing off."

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