Part 4

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Meanwhile in the Dark Forests lies Olga's Palace, inside is Olga Discordia dark elf queen.

Sitting on her throne she gazed into a crystal ball, in it she was watching James as he was in a forest with his Servents, fighting a monster

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Sitting on her throne she gazed into a crystal ball, in it she was watching James as he was in a forest with his Servents, fighting a monster.

Olga: hmmm, let's see what you are capable of.

(Scene Change) Forest: Outside of Thorn

In the forest James, Galahad and Okita are seen fighting a Monster.


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The beast charged at them.

James: Separate!

The three of them Separated from each other, Galahad pulled out his sword and slashed at the monsters head, but all that did was leave a small cut, Galahad then jumped back.

Galahad: It's Skull Is To Thick!

Then the saber class servent came in and jumped the Anjanath's back, she stabbed it from the back, the monster tried to shake of the swordswomen off.

James: Galahad, Follow My Lead!

Galahad: Yes Master!

While the Anjanath was distracted trying to get Okita off it's back, Galahad and James dashed under the monster, both their swords raised, then together at the same time they both slashed its underbelly, slicing it open, the monster gave one final roar before it dropped down, dead.

(Time Skip) Adventurers Guild of Thorn

James walked to the front desk, were he sees the clerk luna.

James then drops the Anjanath Tooth he was keeping in his pocket

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James then drops the Anjanath Tooth he was keeping in his pocket.

James: we finish the quest, the Anjanath is dead and hears the tooth as proof.

She inspected the tooth to see if it was real, then gave a smile.

Luna: okay, everything checks out, here is your payment, 300,000 gold.

She handed James the bag, James gladly took it, and then walked out of the guild with Shielder and Saber.

James: ok, we finally have enough money to buy a place to live in.

3 weeks have passed since James hame been brought to this world, during that time he went on many quests with his 2 servents, during that time he grew a close bond with them.

James: so, any ideas on were we should stay?

Okita: how about, that old house in the outskirts of Thorn.

Galahad: that sounds like a good idea.

James: alright the, it is decided, lets go.

James pointed outward, as if prepared for an adventure.

(King Crimson)

They finally made it.

James: hmm, a bit old but nothing we can't fix

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James: hmm, a bit old but nothing we can't fix.

They walked inside, there was dust everywhere, the 3 of them picked up some brooms, as if, prepared for a battle.

James: alright, CLEAN!

They made a mad dash through the house.

Olga POV

I continued watch through my crystal ball, ubserving the three.

Me: interesting.

                        To Be Continued

Note: hello, sorry if this took a while I've been working on ideas for new storys, ill try to publish a little bit more early, goodbye and have a good 2021.

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