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James POV

I was, confused, I am currently in what seems like, a Void, yes a white void of nothingness.

Me: where the hell am I?

???: i might be able to answer that.

I turned around and he looks familiar. I was sure I've seen him somewhere, but I don't remember where.

Me: I'm sorry I get the feeling I've seen you somewhere, what's your name?

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Me: I'm sorry I get the feeling I've seen you somewhere, what's your name?

???: hahaha, well this is a bit surprising, most people would immediately know who I was, my name is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

My eyes widen in shock, all because of that name, then I slowly realised what is going on.

Me:*sigh* So, Zelretch, what do you want?

Zelretch: As you already know, I travel to many places and change many things, but I realized that when I did that everyone was ... a little boring.

Me: how so, from what I've read in the fanfictions, they look pretty entertaining to me.

Zelretch: yes true, but they all share the same concept, do you know what that is?

I started to think about what he means, until it finally dawned on me to what he means.

Me: they all choose a bullshit power that ends up making them overpowered, and they choose to go to worlds they already know what the events in them is going to happen.

Zelretch: bingo, you got it in one, i swear its all the same, wanting the power of gilgamesh or shirou emiya, or when i offer them class cards they pick all of them, *sigh* I'm not saying their not good story's, I just want one that's not predictable, there are so few with that.

I thought about what he said, and then it finally clicked.

Me: ok, I have an idea.

Zelretch raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

Me: ok, I want to be a demi servant.

Zelretch: ok, and which servant do you want the powers of?

He asked in a board tone as if he already knows, what's going to happen.

Me: Jeanne d'Arc (Alter).

Zelretch then had a surprised look on his face, then it turned into a smirk.

Zelretch: alright thats pretty new, continue.

Me: i want the power, but I want to start at my weakest with no knowledge on how to weild a weapon, I want to learn and grow stronger on my own.

Zelretch: hmmm, interesting, I'm starting to like this, what about summoning?

Me: oh yes I definitely want to summon a heroic spirit, but I want only two, I don't want to end up with a huge harem of heroic spirits.

Zelretch was in deep thought about this, and nodded in agreement.

Zelretch: ok which heroic spirit do want?

Me: make it random, I don't want to choose, well as long as its not someone like Gillies De Rais.

Zelretch: thats understandable, now what world do you want to go to?

I thought on this, I could go anywhere, Fate/Apocrypha, Rising of the Shield Hero, Young Justice, Avengers, DxD, RWBY, Avatar, etc, but it felt so wrong, I know exactly what would happen in each of these worlds, so I made my decision.

Me: place of destination, is.... a world I never have seen before.

Zelretch eyes widen in shock, then he began to chuckle, the out right laughed.

Zelretch: you peeked my interest, ok just let me read your mind.

Zelretch put his hands on my head and read my mind, when he was done he began to think, after a few minutes he made a portal.

Zelretch: ok hear it is, a world you've never seen before, and here.

He threw a shinning light into my chest, my body began to glow, when the light disappeared i was wearing armor similar to Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), spear flag in my right hand, and sword on the left side of my hip.

He threw a shinning light into my chest, my body began to glow, when the light disappeared i was wearing armor similar to Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), spear flag in my right hand, and sword on the left side of my hip

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Zelretch: now pass through the portal, and your journey, will begin.

I did as he said, and dissipeared from sight.

Zelretch POV

As I watched the boy pass through the portal I smiled a bit.

Zelretch: interesting how the boy would choose to start a journey in a world he knows nothing about, and wanted to start off week to learn and gain power on his own.

I began to chuckle.

Zelretch: oh what fun.

                           To Be Continued

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