Part 5

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James POV

Currently, me and Galahad are moving some furniture inside the house, but we're having trouble fitting the couch inside.

(Guess this scene, get a cookie)

Me: alright Galahad you ready, in 3, 2, 1.

They tryed to fit the couch through the door, but it was stuck.

Me: ok, easy easy easy.

Galahad: alright.

Me: whoa, stop stop stop, twist it.

Galahad: i am.

Me: no no no, the other way, twist it the other way.

Galahad was getting frustrated.

Galahad: what do you want me to do?

Me: just look down, look at me, look what I'm doing, you see how im twisting it?

Galahad: yeah.

Me: pull it that way from your end.

We tryed again, but it wasn't working.

Me: ok ok stop, put it down.

We put the couch down, I started thinking.

Me: ok here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna take the cushions off, unscrew the legs, take the mattress out and this whole thing is gonna be a lot simpler, it's easier than we're making it.

(Time Skip)

It took some time but we finally did it, me and Galahad plopped down on the couch, tired.

Me: ahhh, finally.

Galahad: wait a minute, were is Saber?

Me: she said she wanted to do a quest on her own, so she went to the guild.

Galahad: ok, master your not very good with a sword, are you?

I was a bit surprised Galahad noticed.

Me: well, yes, when I asked to become a Demi-Servent I asked for some handicaps, one of them is that even though I got the power, the information on how to properly fight is not put into my head automatically.

Galahad: well then let's train, you'll get yourself killed if you Don know how to properly weild a sword.

Me: really?

Galahad: well i was a knight of the round table.

Me: alright then let's go outside.

3 POV Location: Path to Thorn

On the path to Thorn there is Princess knight Alicia Arcturus.

And she was having a problem, she was headed to Thorn for a meeting until a small band of Orcs came and blocked the path for her and her warriors to pass through

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And she was having a problem, she was headed to Thorn for a meeting until a small band of Orcs came and blocked the path for her and her warriors to pass through.

Alicia: Don't give up, just hold them off, just a little bit longer!

She was hoping that backup may come, and as if her prayers were answered, someone did come, from the forest jumped out Okita Souji, Saber, with speed unheard of she fought half of the Orks, no not fought, it was more of a one sided slaughter.

Alicia: There's our chance, now fight!

(Time Skip)

It was finally over, the ground was littered with Ork corpses, Okita used a rag to clean the blood off her sword and sheathed then sheathed it, from behind her Alicia was approached.

Alicia: thank you very much, I don't think we would have survived without your help.

Okita: oh, it was nothing, I was just on a guild mission to dispatch the Orks that were in this area.

Alicia: be that as it may, let me and my knights show gratitude by escorting you back to Thorn.

Okita knew she didn't need it, but it would be rude to decline so she just gave a kind smile.

Okita: thank you, that is much appreciated, I am Okita Souji, nice to meet you.

Alicia: and I am Alicia Arcturus.

They shook hands in respect to one another, then they started their walk to Thorn.

            (To Be Continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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