Part 1

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When James walked through the portal he found himself, in a forest.

James: now that i think about it maybe I should have asked for a map.

He began to look around until he noticed smoke.

James: there could be someone in that direction, maybe even some form of civilization.

He began walking tword the direction where the smoke was coming from.

(Time Skip)

He finally reached the location and what he found, was a cottage.

James: hmm, I wasn't expecting this, but what ever, there could be someone inside that could help me

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James: hmm, I wasn't expecting this, but what ever, there could be someone inside that could help me.

He went to go knock at the door, when he did so a female voice answered.

???: yes, who is it.

James: um, hello, my name is James Howlett, I'm new to these lands and I'm a bit lost and would like some help in knowing were I am, and maybe a map.

The door opens and he meets eye to eye with the woman who lives in the cottage.

The door opens and he meets eye to eye with the woman who lives in the cottage

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James kept a stoic look, but he was struggling to not blush.

???: hello James Howlett, my name is Astrid Flamel, would you like to come in for some tea.

James POV (Time Skip) 5 minutes

We sat at a table drinking tea, we talked for a while, i found out that she was a witch and that she's been living in these woods for quite some time, she also told me the land I am currently in is known as eostia, and in this land inhabits 8 kingdoms, each with different rulers.

Me: hmm, interesting, *sip* but how about a map and some directions?

Astrid closed her eyes thinking on it.

Astrid: ok, I shall give you a map, and directions, if you can do something for me.

I raised a brow.

Me: and what would that be?

Astrid: I want you to kill a ugallu.

I stared at her wide eyed.

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