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Shock was the first thing that coursed through tadashi's body. Hundreds of different thoughts ran through his head, many of them were debating on whether he should pull away or not. It's not that he didn't like the feeling, heck it was the complete opposite, but tadashi usually becomes too embarrassed and awkward too fast. He didn't want to make a fool out of himself, especially in front of kei. But even after all those wavering thoughts in his mind, tadashi kissed him back. Now it was kei's turn to be surprised. He didn't exactly expect the younger to do anything, in fact he was going to pull away and apologise himself for initiating it in the first place. But here they were, sharing their first kiss under a night of a million stars. Their lips molded together perfectly, making tadashi feel warm inside. It was shockingly pleasant, but he felt embarrassed that his kissing probably sucked or something. He almost whined once he felt kei pull back, the older staring right into tadashi's eyes. kei was practically breathless, amazed by the amount of galaxies he could find in those beautiful eyes. kei himself often wondered why he couldn't find a single star in his own. He noticed the slight look of anxiety and embarrassment upon the younger boy's face and was quick to place his hand against tadashi's warm cheek.

"Hey.. Did really mean what you did?" kei asked, his voice breathy and his words quieter than usual.

It was completely silent for a moment, making kei confused, staring back up at tadashi. The younger boy's face was a deep shade of red and his gaze was focused on the grass beneath him, his breathing seemingly heavy.

"Hey, yamaguchi—"

Before kei could fully register what was happening, he watched as tadashi hastily picked up his bag and his book, and ran.

He literally ran.

kei shot up immediately, completely focused on following after him, but at the last moment his mind began to fill with doubt. Should I clear it up? What if he doesn't want to talk? Does he still like me or not? What did I do? kei bit his lip in frustration, he picked up his own things and suddenly noticed tadashi's blanket still spread across the grass. He sighed and picked it up, shaking his head slightly before running off in the same direction as tadashi did. Even if the younger didn't want to talk to him or something, kei was still worried about his safety.


kei was literally worried sick. He shouldn't have paused before running after tadashi, he should've just gone there and then. He let out another deep sigh of frustration, deciding to run all the way to tadashi's house to see if he went home. Yes, kei did know where tadashi lived, the matter was discussed in a conversation through one of their older texting sessions. He smiled at the memory, and silently begged for tadashi to be alright. It took him awhile but eventually he made it to tadashi's front door, panting and out of breath. His hands were on his knees as he tried to steady his breathing. It a took a minute before he stood up straight, knocking harshly on the wooden door.

It only took about 2 seconds for it to open, "tadash—! Oh.." A woman answered the door, features strikingly similar to tadashi's own.

She looked disappointed slightly, but mostly shocked and worried.

"Aren't you Mr.tsukishima's son?" She asked almost incredulously.

kei nodded, "kei tsukishima, a friend of tadashi's. Is he home..?" He asked, doubting the answer he was about to receive.

Mrs.yamaguchi voice cracked, "N-no... Are you looking for him too?"

kei's heart practically sunk. "Yes." He replied, sighing.

The worried look on Mrs.yamaguchi's face became much more evident. A look of panic spreading across her face.

"Please don't worry, I'll make sure he comes home safely. I promise you." He added, before turning around and running off, forgetting that the blanket was still bundled up in his arms.

There was another place kei could think of, and although he wasn't too sure about it, he decided to go anyway. He just really hoped tadashi was alright. He began to run all the way, to the only other place kei could imagine tadashi being at.

The park.

Yes that park. The one kei had shown to tadashi on that very same day. After a good amount of running, he finally made it and was greeted with the image of someone sitting on the swings, rocking themselves slowly.


The person's face shot up, and indeed it was tadashi. His eyes were puffy and red, much like his cheeks. Wet stains evident on his skin, and hands trembling on the chains that held up the swing. kei initially let out a long sigh of relief, smiling lightly, before he frowned noticing the younger's expression. Making his heart twist with sympathy. He walked over to him, and tadashi immediately looked away when kei crouched down in front of him.

"tadashi." He said again, this time more firmly.

tadashi looked like he was about to open his mouth to speak, but he closed it again, pursing his lips together.

"At least say something.." kei sighed, running his fingers through his own dark hair.

"I'm horrible." A small, broken voice managed to squeak out.

kei bit his lip, furrowing his eyebrows together, not pleased with the answer at all.


tadashi sighed, "I just ruined it. The whole moment-"

kei watched as a single tear rolled down his cheek, his heart filling with guilt.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault.." kei began to whisper, bringing his hand up to wipe the tears forming in tadashi's eyes.

"Y-yes it was. Everything was g-going great and I just had to go a-and ruin it with my s-stupid self.." He choked out between broken sobs, pushing kei's hand away and burying his face in his own hands.

kei frowned again, pulling tadashi's hands away from his face with a gentle force and softly tilting his chin up to look into those eyes he loved so much.

"Don't think like that angel, it's completely fine, it's not like I'm gonna hate you for it or anything. You're perfect, I don't mind at all. Just please don't run off like that again.." kei trailed off, pain evident in his voice.

Their lips met once again, for the second time that night. The same feeling of butterflies and fireworks erupting in their stomachs still lingered as their lips touched. kei thought tadashi had the softest, pinkest and prettiest lips he'd ever seen. He loved everything about him so much kei wasn't sure if it was good for his own heart. Cheesy, he knows, but really he wouldn't want it any other way. The kiss was over in a few mere seconds, and kei smiled softly at tadashi when it did. The other smiled back just as bright, before kei got up and dusted off his jeans.

"I think I should take you home, you're mom's worried sick.." kei finally said.

tadashi's eyes immediately widened at the statement. "No!" He suddenly replied, biting his lip straight after as if he regretted saying it.

kei raised an eyebrow, "Wait why not?"

tadashi sighed, gaze fixed on the floor beneath them.

"I never told her. Or dad. I said I'd be gone for a bit but I'd be back soon. And that didn't really happen so I don't exactly want to deal with it right now.." He muttered.

kei looked slightly angry at tadashi but couldn't keep the face for long. I mean how could you stay angry at tadashi yamaguchi? kei knew it was practically impossible.

"You're coming home with me then." He stated simply, stretching out his arm and gesturing to tadashi.

tadashi asked him if he meant it, and kei could only nod in response.

"Of course I would let you, why wouldn't I?"


kei ended up carrying tadashi back to his house. Carrying tadashi seemed to be something he was doing a lot lately and he's not gonna lie, but he loves it. Once they reached his house, kei noticed that tadashi had fallen asleep. The younger boy looking absolutely adorable in his arms. kei didn't forget about the blanket either, he gave it to tadashi while he was carrying him and it was currently splayed over his body. kei unlocked his door, making his way upstairs and straight into his bedroom. He was glad to see tama was in her corner of the room, thinking he may not have to clean his bed as much as usual. He quickly did do it anyway, for the sake of tadashi's allergies and then decided to tuck the younger boy into his bed. Of course he didn't do this without changing his clothes first. He pulled off the boy's jeans and replaced them with his own shorts, doing the exact same for his shirt. He did it quickly, hoping he wouldn't get distracted by other things. Once tadashi was tucked in, kei got ready himself and fell right asleep next to him.


Give or a take a few hours later, tadashi could be seen bundled in kei's arms, cuddling up to him like some sort of baby animal. kei's mother even entered the room, immediately closing it shut again, seeing her son with the same boy.

"Kids these days.." She muttered under her breath, walking back down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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