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It was about noon when kei woke up, and he woke up to the lovely sound of his phone ringing. The repetitive tune making his headache and his ears sore. He let out huge yawn before rolling over and reaching for his phone, picking it up and squinting at the screen.

kuroo. The name read.

He blinked in surprise at his friend's name, and quickly swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Yah! tsukishima, what took you so long? I called you like 10 times!" tetsurou's loud voice rang in his ears.

kei groaned and rolled onto his back, "You woke me up kuroo, what did you want?" He asks, clearly still sleepy.

"Okay so, kenma and I planned to hang out today, I'm not sure if bokuto's still planning to come along or not but we're going to see that new movie that just came out. I know you've been talking about it so I asked kenma if you could come too," tetsurou exclaimed, his tone filled with excitement.

kei sighed, he didn't exactly want to be a third wheel to tetsurou and kozume, and he couldn't say no either. tetsurou's known kei for almost all his life, the two have been friends for who knows how long. Of course tetsurou would know that kei practically has no life during summer break, so he'd have to come along. He just really hoped koutarou would come so he'd at least have someone to properly talk to. The thought of inviting tadashi crossed his mind, but the idea left as quickly as it came. He remembered tadashi telling him yesterday that he was going to his sister's place for the day. kei inwardly sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Only if bokuto's coming," He muttered, already sounding exhausted.


The day had gone extremely quickly for tadashi and kei. tadashi had the best time playing with his nephew at his sister's place, while kei managed to get through a movie while third wheeling with kozume and tetsurou. koutarou ended up not coming with them, he said he had a date. Lie or not, tetsurou believed him and so kei had found himself at the movie theatre, trailing behind two lovesick puppies. tadashi only sent a text once or twice for the whole day. kei thought that he was probably just enjoying himself too much.

The thought made him smile.

But the day was now long over and the sky turned to ripples of deep gold and crimson, mixed in with indigo, violet and rosy hues. tadashi just managed to make out the first star of the night, looking as pretty as ever. The rest of his day was spent gazing at the stars and eating food while responding to texts from kei.

- - -

*The next day*

tadashi shot straight out of bed at 10am. forcing himself out of the comfy sheets and hastily throwing around the covers in an effort to do up his bed. His phone was picked up and switched on. He double checked the date, and his heart began to race.

Today was the day.

Him and kei, were actually going on a date.

...He also only had 3 hours to get ready.

tadashi inwardly cursed at the thought, wishing he had woken up earlier. He already knew it'd take him an hour, maybe more, to get ready. The boy rushed to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. Brushing his teeth, and having a quick shower with his favourite soap. Once he had finished up in there, he quickly wrapped a clean towel around his waist and sprinted through the hallway, making his way to his bedroom. He could hear the faint voices of his parents talking downstairs in the living room but he was in too much of a rush to pay attention to it. The door was slammed shut and he turned to face his closet, lumps of clothes thrown here and there, and older pieces hung up near the back, caught with dust.

tadashi sighed, this was going to take him a while.


On the other hand, kei had been a bit more prepared than the other. Waking up a few hours earlier and making sure everything was ready. He had a few things planned but they'd probably only last long enough to take them into the very early hours of the evening. tadashi had said he planned something of his own too, but kei wasn't sure if he meant it or not. He shrugged off the thought and decided to start picking out his outfit for the day. He managed to narrow some things down last night but he was still at a loss.


12:46 tadashi's watch read.

He knew it took him about 10 minutes to walk to the pizza place kei was talking about, so decided to leave now. tadashi had finally decided on something to wear too, and he had done up his hair in the same way he did two nights before. After the boy slipped on his shoes and shoved the keys into his pocket, he told his parents goodbye and set outside. The brightness of the whole world made tadashi squint, his eyes aching slightly. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, only dotted with a few cotton white clouds here and there. Sounds of cicadas shrilling and birds chirping filled his ears and he began to walk along the faded footpath. His hands were shoved into his jeans pockets and he strolled through the streets lazily. He checked his watch a few times, keeping his eye on the time.

It was about 12:58 when he reached the place surprisingly.

He pushed open the door to the pizzeria and stepped inside, the mouthwatering smell filling his nostrils and making his stomach almost ache with hunger. He stopped in his tracks and looked around for a moment, trying to find that familiar face he missed so much. It only took him a few seconds before he saw him. kei couldn't see tadashi though, he was facing the other way, but tadashi was one hundred percent sure that it was kei sitting at the small table in the corner. He grinned a little and made his way over, heart thumping nervously. Once he reached the table, kei looked up at him, smiling widely, his eyes full of light.

"yamaguchi! You actually made it on time I'm kind of surprised," He chuckled.

tadashi smiled sheepishly and took a seat on the other chair. "Well I wouldn't want to keep you waiting too long would I?" He replied, the smile still lingering on his face.

"Oh- I already ordered the pizza when I got here, you didn't mind which ones right?" kei suddenly asked.

tadashi shook his head, saying it was fine. As long as it was pizza, he was all for it.

"So how was yesterday?" kei questioned the younger boy. tadashi immediately smiled at the thought of his tiny nephew.

"It was great! He's grown up a lot more since last time, and he's still so cute. Apparently my sister said he started crying when I left and it made me sad, but I love him a lot you know?" He muttered, the last bit dreamily looking out the window.

"You must love your siblings a lot right?" kei asked him, sighing slightly.

"Of course! We hate but love each other at the same time, it sounds complicated but I'm sure a lot of people can agree," He replied, smiling softly.

"I wish I could relate to that," kei mumbled quietly, staring down at his empty plate.

"Huh?" tadashi honestly hadn't heard him at all.

"Oh, it's nothing don't worry yamaguchi," kei told the boy, sending him a reassuring smile.

The conversation only grew from there, and they talked for about 10 more minutes, mostly kei explaining to tadashi about the struggles of third wheeling with kozume and tetsurou. tadashi giggled once he heard kei telling him what he had to go through. tadashi even apologised for not being around to go with him and save his soul. kei said it was completely fine (which it was), but the thought of tadashi possibly coming along that day was a beautiful thought to think about.

Their pizza finally arrived at their table and the two almost immediately dug in. It wasn't even awkward surprisingly. tadashi ate like he usually did, taking large bites and chewing the crust almost aggressively. kei found it cute as hell.And he wasn't about to get annoyed at tadashi because heck, he ate pizza the exact same way. Probably even worse. But none of them cared at all, and their main focus was on finishing all the food and filling up their empty stomachs. It was only a little while later once they were both full. tadashi and kei both leaned back into their seats, a content sigh leaving both their mouths. They blinked and looked at each other for a second before bursting into laughter. Once they realised it was nearing 3pm, the two decided to leave the pizzeria. While they were getting up, tadashi's head clicked in realisation."Wait, tsukishima! How much do I need to pay?" He asked, clearly panicked that he almost forgot. kei chuckled at the younger boy's antics, replying, "It's okay yamaguchi you don't need to pay a cent. I already paid when I got here," tadashi gaped at him, "Wait but- That's not fair I should've paid for something, I feel bad for leaving it all on y—" He was silenced by kei suddenly gripping his hand in his and pulling him along, taking them out of the pizza place."It doesn't matter okay?" He reassured him while they walked out the door. tadashi was about to protest but he realised it wasn't exactly going to change anything, so he sighed and shrugged it off. Following after kei. "Where are we going tsukishima?" He asked curiously. kei replied with a grin, "My favourite place." tadashi raised his eyebrow in confusion, but didn't question it any further.

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