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The day passed by quickly, and tadashi was surprised to see the whole thing flash by so fast. One minute they were finishing up their ice cream cones, and the next, they're walking out of a movie theatre on a hot summer night, laughing as they did so. It was the best (and only) date tadashi had ever been on during his whole life. kei didn't know that but if he somehow did, he'd probably find that way too hard to believe. After the ice cream, they took a walk along one of the forest trails, and took a bunch of photos together. tadashi set one as his wallpaper on his phone, as did kei. It was all cute really. The two ended up going for a movie, (this time, it was paid by tadashi since the boy insisted so goddamn much), and there they were. It was one of the latest ones out, some superhero one everyone seemed to be talking about these days. kei had to admit that it was pretty good, especially since tadashi was by his side. It was late when they came out though, the movie had been a long one. The moment they stepped out, tadashi's eyes shot up straight towards the night sky and he smiled with glee. He looked back at kei, sporting a wide grin and grabbing the other's hand.

"Come on tsukishima, we should get going now," He said before pulling kei along with him while he made his way, to god knows where.


It was a small clearing in one of the forest trails the two had previously walked along. tadashi found the place with ease, and had a familiar wave of nostalgia rush over him once he saw the area again It was one of his favourite stargazing spots, but as perfect as it was, it wasn't that close to his own house so he hardly had a chance to come here.

"This is what you had planned?" kei asked, looking around the place for a bit, taking in his surroundings.

tadashi simply nodded with a small hum, walking around the place as if looking for something. kei questioned his actions in his mind and watched as the younger boy walked around, searching. kei blinked as soon as tadashi's own eyes lit up. Smiling widely.

"Found it!" He heard him cheer under his breath.

"Found what?" kei asked.

"The perfect spot, it's literally exactly in the middle of this place. I made a mark on it so I'd always remember. For a second I thought it disappeared and I lost it, but thank goodness I didn't," tadashi answered, sounding relieved.

kei had to hold back a laugh, "Wait really? What's the point of having it in the exact middle?" He asked with a teasing grin. tadashi rolled his eyes and plopped down on the spot, patting the space next to him.

"Oh you'll see."

kei gave him an amused smile and replied.

"I'm looking forward to it."

tadashi twisted his body to his side to grab his backpack and place it on his lap. Unzipping it and pulling out a blanket and a jacket. Along with a small book, which definitely peaked kei's interest. He raised an eyebrow but didn't ask anything. He watched as tadashi zipped up his bag again, placing it beside him and pulling on his hoodie. He then grabbed the blanket and spread it out on top of them.

"Even though it's summer, it's still gonna get cold tsukishima~" He smiled, gesturing to the jacket tied around kei's waist.

"Jeez, you're acting like a mom now yamaguchi," Jaebum grinned, pulling his jacket out from around him and putting in on.

The sky was a dark blue, but not any stars could be seen yet, as tadashi had just noted. The sky was also perfectly clear, which made him feel relieved.

He had planned this whole thing all thanks to the weather forecast saying tonight's sky would be as clear as crystal. tadashi flopped down onto his back, blankly staring at the night sky, waiting for it to become darker. Waiting for those sparkling dots of light to make themselves visible again. He watched patiently, as kei looked at him slightly confused yet amused at the same time.

"Stargazing? I'm guessing-" He questioned.

"Yeah." Was all tadashi managed to get out.

kei's face broke into the warmest of smiles,

"That's pretty amazing. And adorable..." He said, mumbling the last bit.

"You think?"

kei simply nodded.

"My dad doesn't think so," He scoffed, sitting back up and pulling the blanket up to his knees, completely wrapping himself.

"Your dad's an idiot in that sense then," kei responded, noting the slight sad look in the younger boy's eyes.

"Tell that to his face," tadashi mumbled, leaning his cheek against his own knee and glancing the opposite way.

"I will."

tadashi looked up at him with wide eyes, almost bursting into laughter.

"Wait- Really?" He asked amused.

kei grinned lightly, "Sure, why not?"

tadashi had to laugh then, "He'll probably try to like kill you or something."

A soft smile crept upon kei's lips.

"Hey, at least I'd die happy."

tadashi flushed at the answer and immediately averted his gaze, staring up at the sky again. His eyes lit up when he saw the small prickles of light beginning to form themselves up high.

"They're appearing!" He exclaimed, and kei could see the passion in tadashi's eyes.

He was purely amazed, inspired and simply put, awe struck.

He wished he could find something that could make him feel like that.

(Something apart from a certain green-haired male named yamaguchi tadashi)

"They're so pretty tsukishima, look!" kei obliged and looked up at the sky.

It had filled up with even more stars and now he was looking at something beautiful. They all shone so brightly, and so elegantly, kei was surprised that he missed it before.

"Pretty like you," He muttered under his breath, too quick for tadashi to catch it.

"Hey tsukishima, do you know any of the constellations?" tadashi asked, eyes still fixed on the wonders up above.

kei shook his head, but a split second later realised that tadashi wasn't even looking at him anyway. "Uh, no I don't think so," He replied, sounding a bit sheepish.

"Oh, let me show you then!" tadashi smiled, tearing his gaze away from the night sky and looking at kei's face.

"Umm, oh- Right! Can you see that really bright looking star next to those ones that kinda look like a teapot?" He asked, pointing right up at the sky.

kei looked up, squinting and searching through multiple stars, trying to find what the younger was pointing at, but he saw nothing of the sort.

"..No?" He replied, confused.

"Oh well it's kind of hard, um-" tadashi looked as if he was pondering a thought for a moment, before the boy moved closer to kei practically leaning over his lap. He took his hand in his own, and pulled it up right exactly where the constellation was. kei was too surprised to do anything so he let him be.

"There! That's the constellation for Sagittarius the Archer. It's more lower than that... Wait- Yes! There," He spoke, eyebrows furrowed before relaxing into a content smile.

kei tried his best to see it, eyes moving rapidly as he searched. His eyes widened a bit as he saw what tadashi was talking about.

"Oh wait, is that it? That one that has those 3 things sticking out..?" kei asked, feeling a bit confident yet kind of stupid.

"What? Oh, yeah that's the one!" tadashi grinned. "It's only visible during summer I'm pretty sure." He muttered.

"Wait let me show you Scorpius' one!" He suggested eagerly, and kei's heart was about to melt at how adorable he looked.

Before kei spoke, he huffed a bit before pulling tadashi on his lap, and picking up the blanket, draping it over the both of them. He wrapped his arms around the younger's middle before, mumbling softly;


If tadashi thought he was hardcore blushing before, he definitely was now. The younger boy froze slightly in his spot, feeling the warmth and comfort of kei surrounding him and making him feel oddly complete. It vividly reminded him of that one morning when he somehow ended up in kei's arms.

"U-uh, Scorpius is literally right next to it.. It's that one that's sort of shaped like a fish hook, it's supposed to be the scorpion's tail," tadashi managed to get out.

kei surprisingly managed to find it rather quickly, "Oh, so those 3 stars near the right are the like claws or something?" He questioned, gently resting his jaw on tadashi's shoulder.

"Yeah.." The younger boy breathed out, sounding a little fazed.

"Well they're beautiful yamaguchi, really. I think it's wonderful that you like them so much, plus it's cute as hell," kei smiled, looking back at the sky.

"I really wanna be an astronomer when I get even older. Studying astronomy and all that, it's my dream." tadashi sighed, leaning a bit back into kei's hold. Becoming less tense.

"I don't really have an idea of what I want to do with my life.." kei mumbled, who sounded slightly upset at the fact.

tadashi raised his eyebrow, "Really?"

kei nodded.

"I don't exactly have a passion for anything or a specific aim... I just want a good job or something." He shrugged.

"Oh well—"

kei cut him off by pulling tadashi up and turning him around so they were face to face, tadashi still seated on the older boy's lap.

"That doesn't exactly matter right now..." kei breathed out, locking eyes with tadashi.

The smaller boy's cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were sparkling. kei took a moment to admire him under the moonlight. tadashi did the same. Eyes trailing over each other's faces, sculpting out fine lines with their eyes and admiring the small things they'd never stopped to appreciate before. kei bit his lip, eyebrows slightly furrowed, looking as if he was searching for something in those warm brownish-green eyes. tadashi looked taken aback at the action and seemed just as confused. And then it all happened at once.

kei held his grip on tadashi's waist a little tighter, and pulled him just a little more closer. tadashi placed his hands on kei's shoulders in an attempt to brace himself. There was a small pause until kei finally leaned in and gently pressed his lips against tadashi's.

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