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He felt warm.

I mean, sure it was summer but to tadashi it felt extra warm. He was foreign to the feeling. Waking up, and being engulfed in warmth. Even though it was different, he had to admit it was a nice change. The comfort almost made him drowsy enough to fall back asleep again. Until he shifted his arms and realised that someone else's was gripping him tight.

The warmth, it came from there.

tadashi was almost about to scream out loud when he finally noticed slightly larger arms wrapped against his waist, and when he felt soft breathing on his neck. He would've tried to thrash and get himself out, but it was too comfortable to give up. Especially when his senses were filled with that familiar smell.


The memories of the night before flashed back to him, flooding his mind. He remembered how his parents left him at kei's house and how kei offered him to sleep in his room. tadashi had also remembered that he was in the other boy's clothes. But tadashi had most definitely fell asleep on the bed, and kei most definitely fell asleep on the floor. So now why on earth was he currently bundled up into kei's arms like some sort of teddy bear? He forced his eyes open again, looking around and trying to take in his surroundings a bit better.

He was definitely still in the bed.

Meaning that kei probably got up here somehow, and managed to cuddle tadashi to death. The younger boy found it even more surprising that he didn't actually mind as much as he thought he would. A soft groan was heard from behind him and all the poor boy could do was become frozen in his place. He felt the slightest shift behind him, and a small empty moment of silence. Then he felt kei's fingers moving slightly, as if he was trying to figure out what his hands were on. Then he felt him flinch, and the arms were taken off immediately.

"Shit." He heard kei mutter.

tadashi honestly wasn't sure what that meant. He couldn't tell if it was meant in a bad way or not.

"..yamaguchi?" He heard his voice whisper.

tadashi squeezed his eyes closed, hoping kei wouldn't try to look over and check if he was awake or not. He wasn't the best at pretending. tadashi was out of luck. He felt kei reaching over and stopping in his place, taking in the sight in front of him. tadashi inwardly sighed and opened his eyes. The sudden shock of light making him squint slightly. kei looked surprised. And may he add that his cheeks were flushed pink and he was biting his lip awkwardly. tadashi couldn't hold in his laugh, and kei gave him a look of mock hurt.

"Sorry," kei finally said, once tadashi's giggles died down.

"For what tsukishima?" The younger simply asked, trying to avoid his gaze.

"If you were awake just then, then you would know," tadashi caught him mumbling, as kei turned his face away.

"You were hugging me to death." tadashi stated, a grin forming itself on his face. kei gave him a sheepish look, "I just couldn't sleep on the floor. My own bed honestly looked more welcoming, and I was frustrated so I decided to sleep on it. I'm sorry if you felt weird I probably shouldn't have-"

tadashi didn't have any time to think before the words came out of his mouth.

"It's okay tsukishima, I didn't mind."

kei looked back at tadashi, cheeks still flushed with colour and tadashi had an idea that his was probably the same too. kei opened his mouth to speak but closed it once he saw tama jump onto the bed.

"tama!" He said, sounding the slightest bit annoyed.

The cat lazily glanced over at him, and went to lay on the foot of the bed.

"Get off." The older boy muttered, through gritted teeth.

tama simply replied with a bark and stretched herself on the bed.

"yamaguchi's allergies are gonna act up," He told the canine, like she could actually understand him. tadashi was trying his best not to let out a giggle.

"tsukishima it's fine if she doesn't come any closer." He grinned, admiring the dog.

kei looked slightly flustered, "Are you sure yamaguchi? The fur's gonna stay on the bed so if you move it might get to you.." He told the other, the worry evident in his voice.

tadashi gave kei his best reassuring smile, "It's definitely fine."

The smile immediately left tadashi's voice when he spoke again, "What's the time?"

kei blinked in surprise, he hadn't even began to think about the time. He quickly checked his phone and read what came up on his screen.

"It's 1:02pm.." He said in slight disbelief.

"We slept that late?" tadashi asked surprised.

"Apparently," kei answered, although he sounded just as surprised as the other.

kei bit his lip for a moment, he seemed to be thinking about something. tadashi watched him curiously as kei pulled himself out of the bed and walked straight out of the room. tama perked up at his leaving and immediately hopped off the bed to follow him. tadashi sat up in the bed, but he was too lazy to get up and follow him.

"tsukishima?" He asked, confused.

"Just give me a minute," kei replied from the door, before he walked straight out into the hall to who knows where.

A minute or two passed before kei returned.

"Where'd you go?" tadashi asked him, eyeing the older boy, interested in what kei had to say. kei smiled at his curiosity and answered him, "I went to check if my parents were up or not."

tadashi raised an eyebrow, "But are they?"

kei nodded, "Yep, and that means that they've probably driven out everyone that crashed at the house last night." He smiled.

tadashi was glad, and relieved to hear the news. He didn't really want to leave kei's house on odd circumstances.

"We should probably get out of bed now," tadashi suggested, playing with the crumpled sheets.

"More like you should, I'm standing right here genius," kei chuckled.

tadashi's cheeks were dusted light pink as he realised that he was actually the only one on the bed. Even tama had left and was standing near kei. tadashi quickly got out from under the white bedsheets and stood up, looking ready to do up kei's bed for him. kei surprised himself when he told tadashi that it was alright, and that he hardly did it anyway.

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