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While trying to get up physically to get the doorbell I was also trying to mentally think about who in the blue hell could be at my door this late. I made my way down the stairs to get the door, I turned the gold knob and to my surprise it was angie.

"Hey girl, I just wanted to stop by and say you did great tonignt and I also wanted to give you your pay. Boss said you ran out of his office so quick that he didn't even have the chance to give it to you" she chuckled to herself due to the joke she made about me. She handed me a bright ass yellow VS duffle bag, I'm guessing with my money it it. I took the bag from her and sat it by the door.

"Oh well thanks and I was really tired so I left quickly" I say defending myself.

"Oh no worries but I just wanted to drop of your money and say good job so I'll see you tomorrow" she says getting ready to turn around and leave but I stopped her mid-way.

"Wait how much did I get paid?" I ask curiously. She grinned.

"25" she says and turns around smoothly to walk down the hall of my complex.

I stood there in shock trying to comprehend what she just said. Maybe she meant twenty-five hundred? But what if she meant 25 thousand.

Instead of staying down there and counting it I took the duffle bag upstairs threw it next to my bed and finally I laid down, closed my eyes, and I'm not open ing them until the morning.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going of meaning that I have a text message. I opened my eyes almost going blind from the sunlight shining through my curtains and rolled over to get my phone. I had two Texts from Angie and one from M. I'll open them later after I take a shower. I stood over my tub to feel the water to see if its hot enough. After getting it to the right temperature I stripped off my pajamas, through them in the dirty clothes, and got in. I let the water run over my body after washing up and I started thinking about last night again. I just can't get his face before I shot him out of my mind, it was filled with so much sorrow and regret. I can't help to think maybe I'm doing the wrong thing or maybe this is just me over thinking things again. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt the cold water shoot over my body, meaning I've been in the shower for a while. I got out and slipped on a yellow lace bra and panty set and lotioned up. I decided to wear my light wash boyfriend jeans with a burgandy sweater and my classic white converse. I got to my room and checked my phone and it was 10:35 meaning I was in the shower for an hour. My grandmother called so I guess I'll call her back. She answered on the third ring.

"Hello" her fragile voice said through the phone.

"Hey grandma, how are you?"

" I'm good baby, how ya' doing" she said.

"I'm good just a little tired but what's baby girl doing?" I ask referring to royal.

"She's having so much fun with me darling, shes sleep right now but she even wants to stay another night" she admits after a chuckle and a cough.

"When she wakes up tell her to call me and she can spend another night I just have to bring her some more clothes okay" I explain to my grandmother. While I'm saying this my eyes wander to the bag Angie Bought to me yesterday.

"Okay I will love you baby"

"I love you too grandma see you soon" I say shortly before hanging up.

After hanging up with my grandmother I go over to the bag that Angie gave me and open it. Almost fainting after seeing the amount of stacks of money I sat away from the bag trying to wrap my head around this cash. I guess I'll got get ready to bring royal some extra clothes to my grandmas.


Sorry this is just a filler until this weeknd, trust me there's more to come.

Also thank you guys for all this support especially with this being my first story❤❤❤.

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