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It took me about 30 minutes to get to work due to the horrible traffic downtown tonight. The first football game was tonight and everybody was down here supporting the panthers. When I pulled up to our warehouse I seen Angie's car and our bosses car wasn't here. That's really weird because their always on time to work. When I walk in everybody greets me except for dp of course, I really don't know what her problem is but she needs to calm down with the attitude towards me. I was getting ready to ask her was she okay or did she have a problem but before I could speak Angie walked in. She looks really tired.

"Hey everybody" she said as she took a seat on the brown leather recliner by the door. Everybody returned their greetings and continued doing what they were doing. I took this time to pull dp aside and ask her is she okay.

"Hey dp can I speak to you for a second" I ask pointing over to the other side of the room so everybody wouldn't be in our business.

"Speak" she said looking at me with pure disgust and basically telling me she's not getting up. I tried my hardest to contain my anger but she pushed it.

"Do you have a problem or something? Every time I walk in here you seem to get really upset and start huffing and puffing like a little child so I just wanna know what's up" I say with a hint of anger.

"You know I didn't really have a real problem with you but after some of the stuff I've been told about you I don't like you cause you a grimey bitch." She replies.

"Please explain" I say getting more and more pissed.

"Nah I ain't gotta explain nothing to you but I want you to explain to the crew how M aka our boss is your daughters father" she spat out with pure anger and venom in her voice. Once the words left her mouth I looked over at Angie with tears forming in my eyes but before my eyes met hers I saw him standing there with a emotionless face just staring at me.

"Is it true?" He asked me with a heartbroken expression.

"Yes, but I was going to tell you I just couldn't find the right time to I-"

"How about when I spent the night at your house, how about when I sat up all night holding you, how about when you first opened that damn door and let me in huh?" He spat cutting me off.

"I didn't know that when you first came in but I realized it when I took your shirt off and saw your tattoo, that's why I started crying I swear I was going to tell you" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

"Where is she?" He asked very calm.

"At my apartment with her babysitter but she's probably sleep now" I say finally drying my eyes.

"Let's go" he said very loud and mean.


"Now" he said yelling. He walked out of the warehouse quickly. I have no choice but to follow him but I have Angie a mean glance before I exited. She looked very hurt and apologetic but I'll deal with her later. I see M get into his black jaguar and I follow him and get into the passenger seat. I don't say a word because he seems very tense and I don't want to get yelled at. We stop at a red light so all of the pedestrians are walking in front of us. I seem m staring at something so I turn to see a guy with his daughter on his neck laughing uncontrollably. I turn back to M to see his eyes look very heavy all of a sudden. I was going to ask if he was okay but the light turned green before I could ask. We arrive at my apartment after about 10 minutes and I really don't know what to expect. When we get to the door I take my keys out and unlock the door. When I open the door I see my babysitter getting up to greet me with a smile.

"Leave" M said to her so coldly. I have her an assuring grin and she immediately got her stuff and left.

"Where is she?" He said in a low tone.

"Upstairs sleeping"

"Got get her" he said not even with a hint of asking.

"She has school tomor-"

"Go get her please" he said asking genuinely.  I made my way upstairs quietly to her room. When I got there I picked her up and laid her on my shoulder. She squirmed a lot until she got comfortable.  As I made my way downstairs she woke up and started rubbing her eyes to get a clear look at M who was standing at the stairs. When I got to the bottom I could see that he was crying. I couldn't understand why but before I could ask he took royal out of my hands and hugged her so tight. He rubbed her head and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Who are you?" Royal asked after her sat down with her on the couch.

"I'm your dad sweetheart" he said wiping his tears. They have a very strong resemblance so he would have been a coward to deny her. I will still provide him with a DNA test if he wants one.

"Really?" She said with a huge smile on her face which made me break down in tears.

"Yeah" he said laughing at her face.

"Where you go? I always ask my mommy for you and she say you can't come see me.

"Daddy was at work for a while but I'm here now and I'm always going to be there for you okay" he said tearing up again causing me to break down even more. She looked at me weird.

"Stop crying mommy it's okay daddy not leaving again" she said with the biggest smile on her face which caused me to laugh and wipe away my tears.

"Daddy can you read me a bed time story tonight?" She asked M happily.

"Yeah of course but first tell your mommy goodnight and give her a hug and kiss." He said standing up with her in his arms. She reached out and have me a hug and a kiss.

"Goodnight mommy, I love you" she said as M walked her up the stairs.

"Goodnight and I love you more sugar" I said waving at her before they disappeared into her room. About thirty minutes later I heard his heavy footsteps come down the stairs. I got up so I could meet him at the bottom.

"You don't have to come back to the warehouse no more, I got y'all from now on." He said when he got to the bottom of stairs.

"M I can work to provide for me and my-"

"Our daughter , and my name is Michael from now on not M. Like I said I don't want you working there anymore and that's it. I'm going to text you tomorrow so we can got out together and talk about everything." He said cutting me off for the 50th time tonight.

"Um okay. But I'm really sorry about everything, I never wanted it to come out that way and I just wanted to apologize for humiliating you like that." I say in a low tone. He started walking towards me until he was hovering over me with his minty breath blowing in my face.

"I don't know how to do this parenting stuff yet but I'm gonna try and I don't want it to be any weird energy or tension between us. I forgive you and just know that I got you and royal. I mean that." He said staring directly into my eyes.  He stood there for a while until his phone vibrated in his pocket causing him to back up and start heading towards the door.

"Well I guess this is goodnight but I will definitely call you tomorrow so um bye Germany." He said opening the door.

"Goodnight Michael" I say closing the door behind him and locking it.


Once I stepped out of the shower I lotions up and put on my boy shorts and night tank. I made my way to my bed and hopped right in. It was by far a stressful and nerve racking night. I definitely am looking forward to what Michael has in store for us tomorrow. I hope he isn't upset with me still for how things went down tonight. I plugged my phone up to see I had a text from Angie. I decided not to even open it because I'm way too tired to even begin to start a conversation with her. As soon as my head hit my pillow I let all my worries go and was out like a light.

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